TEDS Online-Distance Education

TEDS Online-Distance Education (DE) courses provide students the opportunity to study on the graduate level anywhere in the world serviced with Internet access. Fully online distance education courses may be taken as a visiting student, and extension student, or part- or full-time Bannockburn campus student. All DE courses are offered for graduate credit and may be applied to a Trinity program or transferred to another institution.

Note: While TEDS has been granted “Comprehensive Distance Education” status by the Association of Theological Schools and the Higher Learning Commission, the number of courses a student may take in a program is limited by the number of online distance education courses offered by TEDS. In all cases, students must complete the prescribed program Residency Requirement.

Important Online Distance Education Registration Notes

Prior to registering for a DE course, contact the TEDS Online Office at: TEDSOnline@tiu.edu, 800.588.7705 or 847.317.6554.

  • Register for DE courses through the MyTIU Dashboard. Visiting Students who do not yet have access to the Dashboard may contact the TEDS Online Office for assistance.
  • Trinity International University - Florida students should register through the coordinator for the Master of Arts (Theological Studies) program.
  • Course registration is for a given semester. All Online Distance Education courses are tied to the regular semester schedule. 
  • Course extensions may be granted by petition. Full-time Bannockburn students are subject to the regular (very limited) extension policy for full-time Bannockburn campus students through the Dean of Students Office.
  • Visiting students may enroll for a maximum of 9 hours per semester.
  • Full-time Bannockburn students are expected to enroll in classroom courses; however, some Online Distance Education courses may be applied to some programs. Review the specific program curricula in the catalog for course requirements.
  • Any TEDS student enrolled for a minimum of 5 semester hours during a given semester (whether Bannockburn, Extension, or Online Distance Education courses) is considered “half-time” for reporting purposes and financial aid. Requests for letters of verification of enrollment status for loan deferment should be made to the Records Office.
  • The semester in which the student registers (and pays the tuition) is counted as the semester of enrollment for reporting purposes. Students seeking deferment (loans, Veteran’s Administration, business reimbursements) should note that only the original semester of enrollment is eligible for deferment standing, even if an academic course extension is granted for completion of the coursework.

Online Distance Education Courses

Fully Online Distance Education courses provide a virtual classroom experience, while allowing students to fit their studies around their own schedule. Students watch lectures and complete assignments on a weekly basis, interacting with other students and the instructor to deepen their understanding of the subject. Courses follow the same semester schedule as courses offered at the TEDS Bannockburn campus including registration, adds/drops, and withdrawal.

Further information regarding Online Distance Education Courses may be obtained from the TEDS Online Office: TEDSOnline@tiu.edu, 800.588.7705 or 847.317.6554.