A Message from the Dean
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School is boldly “evangelical” where faithfulness to the gospel of Jesus Christ is the center of our study, our reflections, and our practices. This gospel acknowledges Christ to be the Lord of all, one who demands whole-hearted worship and obedience in diverse social and cultural contexts in which he has called us. We also recognize, however, that this gospel that we preach is often “a stumbling block” to many in the wider society (1 Cor. 1:23), but we are “not ashamed of the gospel” (Rom. 1:16) and we are committed to proclaim, expound, defend, and live out this gospel in the midst of difficulties, which the church has faced since the time of the apostles. After all, this is a subversive gospel that challenges both our minds and our hearts, and it is one that transforms our lives as we serve the church of the living God.
Here at Trinity, you will find yourself learning not only from an international team of scholars, but also from an international body of students who can testify to the amazing work of this powerful gospel among different people groups. Every student, staff, and faculty member is an active participant in this transformative community. If God is leading your way here, you should be prepared to encounter this gospel anew as you dig deeper into the study of the power of God’s word, as it has manifested in both present and past ages. We pray that this will result in a renewed commitment that leads to the faithful proclamation of the gospel “to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
David W. Pao, PhD
Dean of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School