Student Services

Academic Support

For Juris Doctor (JD) students, the Academic Support Department provides advice regarding Trinity Law School expectations as well as strategic resources to equip students for success in law school and on the California Bar Exam. Before the first semester begins, JD students attend a highly coordinated New Student Orientation program that extends into the first semester with workshops covering fundamental skills such as case briefing, outlining, and exam preparation. On Course is Trinity Law School's formal Academic Support Program, which prepares students for every subject area and testing method of the California Bar Exam. Academic advising is available to JD students upon request, and through On Course, students receive invitations to meet one-on-one with a faculty member or other attorney staff at five strategic times throughout the student's program. Academic Support and On Course are introduced during New Student Orientation, and all On Course workshops, diagnostics, and advisements are mapped on the student's personalized Academic Plan. This ensures that 100% of Trinity Law School JD students get the best value from their education with opportunities to master the skills needed for success and to become equipped to take the California Bar Exam.

Master of Legal Studies (MLS) students, are required to participate in a one-on-one Online Orientation via Zoom prior to attending their first course. This Online Orientation prepares MLS students for success by highlighting the course and program expectations, discussing the technology requirements, explaining the best practices for submitting assignments, and navigating the online environment. Individual advising is also available upon request. Additionally, MLS students can benefit from one-on-one writing support as well as assistance with editing and citations through the Thrive Center by emailing

Library and Information Center

Trinity Law School Library is compliant with all hard copy, electronic content, and access requirements set forth in the California Accredited Law School Rules and Guidelines. In order to serve the teaching and research goals of Trinity Law School, the Library includes a physical library containing secondary resources that are not otherwise available online. Students may access these resources during business hours but they do not circulate.

In conjunction with the Trinity International University Rolfing Library, Trinity Law School Library subscribes to various academic and legal databases as well as research tools. Students in the JD and MLS programs are provided access instructions so they can complete their respective assignments.

The Library’s databases includes but is not limited to: the Attorney General Opinions, California Law Review Commission Reports, Columbia International Affairs Online, Guide to Law Online, Library of Congress, HeinOnline, LexisNexis, Library of Law and Liberty, OnLAW: CEB-Continuing Education of the Bar, West Academic Study Aids, and Thomson Reuters Westlaw.

Instructional Facilities

Each physical classroom at Trinity Law School is provisioned with a variety of technology tools to help support teaching and learning, including document cameras, data projectors, media players, and classroom controls.

Online instruction is conducted using the Canvas platform for assignment submissions and Zoom meetings for Live Sessions.

Student Housing

Trinity Law School does not have dormitory facilities under its control. A list of local apartments within two miles is available upon request. No further placement assistance is provided by Trinity Law School. The median monthly rental cost for a single-bedroom rental within two miles of the school is $2,517.