Academic Rules and Practices

Examination Taking Regulations for In-Person Courses

  • Students may not bring their own scratch paper into examination rooms. The proctor will furnish bluebooks and scratch paper.
  • Use of an electronic device, other than one authorized computer, during examinations, is prohibited.
  • Earplugs are allowed but must not have wires or cables. The earplugs cannot be headphones, earbuds, or other Bluetooth or WiFi-capable devices. They must be non-electronic earplugs designed solely to reduce sound.
  • Students may not use a second monitor, second computer, or other electronic devices, including smartwatches, during an examination.
  • Students who are taking examinations may not use the library at any time during the examination period unless so instructed by the administration.
  • Students may not leave the room for extended periods of time (only for bathroom breaks).
  • Students may not eat or leave the room to return with snacks during an examination.
  • Students who fail to turn in answers to all of the questions on an examination because they fail to realize that the examination contains more questions, or for any other reason, will be graded on the basis of the normal weight of the questions answered. No make-up opportunities will be allowed for the omitted questions. Unanswered questions will receive no credit.
  • Students arriving late to begin an examination will not be given extra time to complete the examination.
  • Students who take their bluebooks home, or who otherwise fail or forget to turn them in at the time of the examination, will not be permitted to turn them in later for a grade.
  • Students are not permitted to write personal notes or comments on examination papers that may be construed as an attempt to influence the grading of the examination.
  • No collaboration by and/or between any student(s) in any form whatever is permitted during the examination time period.
  • Students engaging in any other activity that indicates reliance on sources outside the examination room during testing times are in violation of the cheating prohibition in the Standards of Conduct and Honor Code.
  • Students who encounter computer problems during the examination will not be provided with technical assistance. They may attempt to correct the problem or must immediately raise their hand to receive a bluebook from the proctor to continue with the examination by handwriting. No extra time will be allotted. The examination must be handwritten to receive a score and the examination cannot be retaken. The examination will count against the student’s grade notwithstanding computer problems.
  • Students will be required to show a government-issued ID card with photograph, such as a state-issued driver's license, state-issued identification card, or passport, or the student's Trinity Law School identification card for the purpose of verifying the student's identity prior to taking their midterms and finals. 
  • The above examination rules must be followed. Deviation from the above is only permitted with written permission from the Registrar's Office. 

Examination Taking Regulations for Online Courses

  • Students may only use the digital notepad available in Examplify. Any other note-taking device or paper of any kind is prohibited. Students may not use bluebooks for online examinations. Rather, the exams must be taken through Examplify. 
  • Use of an electronic device, other than one authorized computer, during examinations is prohibited.
  • Students may not use a second monitor, second computer, or other electronic devices, including smartwatches, during an examination. 
  • ​Students must have an operating, forward-facing camera and microphone. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the student's computer has these functions and that they are functioning well before the examination. The camera must be turned on, and the student's shoulders and upper body must be fully visible at all times during the exam.
  • Students must establish a quiet examination location where the student will be undisturbed for the duration of the examination. Unless otherwise authorized by the administration, students in online courses are not allowed to come to the campus to take their examinations.
  • Earplugs are not permitted as students are required to establish a quiet examination location.
  • Only the test taker is allowed in the room where the examination is taken.  
  • Students may not leave the room for extended periods of time (only for bathroom breaks).
  • Students may not eat or leave the room to return with snacks during an examination.​
  • Students may have no communication of any kind with any other person, either directly, electronically, or otherwise during the examination time period.
  • No collaboration by and/or between any student(s) in any form whatsoever is permitted during the examination time period.
  • Students who fail to submit answers to all of the questions on an examination because they fail to realize that the examination contains more questions, or for any other reason, will be graded on the basis of the normal weight of the questions answered. No make-up opportunities will be allowed for the omitted questions. Unanswered questions will receive no credit.
  • Students must download, begin, and upload the examination within the time period set forth by the Registrar's Office. Failure to do so will result in the student receiving a zero on the examination. Students will not be permitted extra time. Further, failing to take the examination within the prescribed time period will not qualify the student for a make-up examination. Make-up examinations are only permitted as set forth in the rules below. 
  • Students are not permitted to write personal notes or comments in Examplify that may be construed as an attempt to influence the grading of the examination.
  • Students engaging in any other activity that indicates reliance on prohibited sources during testing times are in violation of the cheating prohibition in the Standards of Conduct and Honor Code.
  • Students who encounter computer problems during the examination will not be provided with technical assistance. Since bluebooks will not be provided, the examination must be completed online in its entirety. If there is a total computer failure, depending on how far along in the examination the crash occurs, it may be necessary for students to take a different examination in part or in entirety within the next week.
  • Prior to their examination date, students are required to follow the Examplify instructions to set up their two-step authentication, which includes face matching analysis to verify the students' identification.
  • The above examination rules must be followed. Deviation from the above is only permitted with written permission from the Registrar's Office.


Trinity Law School (TLS) has adopted this Biometric Data Policy, which applies to all Juris Doctor (JD) students. By enrolling at TLS, JD students consent to this Biometric Data Policy. For purposes of this Biometric Data Policy, “biometric data” means a scan of the student’s face geometry, along with information based on that scan, that is used to authenticate the student’s identity. 

TLS has selected ExamSoft Worldwide LLC (ExamSoft) to provide identity verification and proctoring services for remote exam proctoring. In order to be eligible to take an examination using ExamSoft, TLS students must consent to the collection and use of certain biometric data to confirm a student’s identity and video and audio recordings. A student’s biometric data will be used to authenticate the student’s identity for online exams. When registering for an online course, TLS requires that students accept the use of their biometric data for identification purposes on the exams in these courses.

Examplify is an assessment program developed and licensed by ExamSoft that enables exam takers to securely take examinations downloaded to their laptop computers by blocking access to files, programs, and the Internet during an exam. 

In order to safeguard exam integrity for remote assessment, Examplify will use ExamID and ExamMonitor in all JD courses offered online. These tools provide

  • Identity verification via facial recognition.
  • Video/Audio recording with artificial intelligence (AI) and human review.

ExamMonitor recordings will only be made available to persons who have been authorized to review them for exam security purposes.

Along with Examplify’s built-in security measures, these tools will help ensure a fair and equal assessment for every student.

Exam Start 

Here is what students should expect once they enter their exam password:

  • Biometric Consent – For each online exam, students must consent to ExamSoft capturing their biometric information (i.e., taking their picture). This is a requirement for students to access the exam.
  • Webcam/Microphone Access – For each online exam, ExamSoft will ask students to grant access to their webcam and microphone. This is a requirement for students to access the exam.
  • Facial Recognition – Smile for the camera! Photos will be taken to verify each student’s identity every time they take a test – no photo ID is required.
  • These links cover camera and microphone access if students need to take additional steps: Windows, Mac 

During the Exam

Video recording will begin automatically, including both webcam and screen capture throughout the entire assessment.

Grading on Final Examination and Final Course Grades

Juris Doctor Degree Program

Student papers constituting the entire course grade and final course grades in the JD program are graded using a strict curve rather than on a criteria basis. The curve applies to classes of five or more students. When classes are smaller than five students, subject to the approval of a Dean, professors may assign grades that are generally consistent with grades given in other classes. See Appendices.

Master of Legal Studies Degree Program

Examinations and student papers in the Master of Legal Studies (MLS) program are graded on a criteria basis. The professor determines the criteria.


Juris Doctor Degree Program

The minimum cumulative grade point average necessary to maintain good standing is 2.0 for the JD program.

Master of Legal Studies Degree Program

The minimum cumulative grade point average necessary to maintain good standing is 3.0 for the MLS program.

Juris Doctor Ranking

To assist students in assessing their own academic performance, students enrolled in the JD program who have completed 18 or more units will be provided a rank in the TLS Portal under "Registrar Services." Students who have completed 18 or more units will be ranked within two tiers. Those students completing 18-54 units are considered the middle tier. Those students earning 55-89 units are considered the upper tier. The ranking information on the TLS Portal will indicate the number of students in their tier and their ranking within that tier.

On October 1st of each year, all students who will have graduated within the preceding 12 months will receive an electronic document indicating their rank among all the students who graduated during that year. Ranking is not indicated on the students’ transcripts.

Contesting Grades

The Registrar's Office will release course grades via the TLS Portal. Once a final course grade is posted in the TLS Portal, the final course grade shall not thereafter be changed except after consultation with the professor of record and with the approval of the Law Faculty Senate. Changes subsequent to posting of final grades by the Registrar's Office will only be made to correct mathematical errors or for an evident error. 

A student who claims that a grade was the product of unfairness or a departure from established grading policy may elect to have the Law Faculty Senate review such claim. All requests for a grade change must be made using a student petition form and must be filed with the Registrar's Office within 20 days of the date that the Registrar's Office posts the grades. The Law Faculty Senate will review such requests and may seek input from the faculty member who graded the class. The Law Faculty Senate will make the final decision on grade change requests.

Specific Course Requirements

Specific requirements and weighting for graded components that make up the course grade are set forth in the course syllabus and/or Canvas.

Transfer Credit

The transferability of credits earned at Trinity Law School is at the complete discretion of the institution to which the student may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the JD or MLS degrees earned in the JD or MLS program is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which the student may seek to transfer. If the JD or MLS degrees that the student earns at this institution are not accepted at the institution to which the student seeks to transfer, the student may be required to repeat some or all of the coursework at that institution. Students should ensure that their attendance at Trinity Law School will meet their educational goals; this may include contacting an institution to which they may seek to transfer after attending Trinity Law School to determine whether the student's JD or MLS degree units will transfer.

Juris Doctor Degree Program

The maximum age of units that will be considered for transfer credit is 36 months, and the maximum number of units that can be transferred is 45 semester units. A unit of credit is equivalent to 15 academic hours. Transfer credit is only granted for courses taken at an ABA-approved or California Accredited Law School. Transfer credit is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Courses are individually considered for transfer and only courses with grades at the prior school’s good standing level may be accepted for transfer credit subject to similarity to Trinity Law School course contents.

Credit may only be transferred for whole courses, in an amount not to exceed the credit granted by the awarding law school and shall only be awarded for classes for which the student earned a grade in good standing at that awarding law school, except that for a student who has passed the First-Year Law Students’ Examination, the law school may acknowledge the credit previously granted for Torts, Criminal Law, and Contracts, even if the grade was less than would be required for good standing. No credit will be granted for work completed at a registered, unaccredited law school unless that student has passed the First-Year Law Students’ Examination, and no credit shall be awarded beyond the first year of study for that student and prior to passing the examination unless they passed the exam within three administrations of becoming eligible to take it.

Master of Legal Studies Degree Program

The maximum number of units that can be transferred from an outside institution is 20% of the degree. Students transferring from the JD program at Trinity Law School may transfer up to 18 units to the MLS program at Trinity Law School. Transfer credit is only granted for credit earned at institutions approved by the California Bureau for Private and Post-Secondary Education, public or private institutions of higher learning accredited by an accrediting association recognized by the U. S. Department of Education, or any institution of higher learning, including foreign institutions, if the institution offering the program documents that the institution of higher learning at which the units were earned offers degree programs equivalent to degree programs approved by the California Bureau for Private and Post-Secondary Education or accredited by an accrediting association recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. A minimum of 12 units must be taken in the Trinity Law School MLS program. A unit of credit is equivalent 15 academic hours. Transfer credit is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Courses are individually considered for transfer and only courses with grades of C- or higher at the prior school may be accepted for transfer credit subject to similarity to Trinity Law School course contents.

Experiential Credit

For both the JD and MLS programs, experiential credit may only be granted if:

  • the prior learning is equivalent to a college or university level of learning.
  • the learning experience demonstrates a balance between theory and practice.
  • the credit awarded for the prior learning experience directly relates to the student's degree program and is applied in satisfaction of some of the degree requirements.

The learning experience for which credit is sought shall be documented by the student in writing.

Of the first 30 semester credits awarded a student in a graduate program, no more than 6 semester credits may be awarded for prior experiential learning. Of the second 30 semester credits (i.e., credits 31 to 60) awarded a student in a graduate program, no more than 3 semester credits may be awarded for prior experiential learning. No credit for experiential learning may be awarded after a student has obtained 60 semester credits in a graduate program.

The amount of credit awarded for prior experiential learning shall not be related to the amount charged the student for the assessment process.

Faculty Evaluation

  • The learning experience shall be evaluated by faculty qualified in that specific subject area who shall ascertain to what college or university level learning the student's prior experience is equivalent and how many credits toward a degree may be granted for that experience. The faculty evaluating the prior learning shall prepare a written report indicating all of the following: The documents in the student's record on which the faculty member relied in determining the nature of the student's prior experience.
  • The bases for determining that the prior experience
    • is equivalent to college or university level learning.
    • demonstrates a balance between theory and practice.
  • The bases for determining
    • to what college or university level the experience is equivalent.
    • the proper number of credits to be awarded toward the degree for that experience.

The Registrar is responsible for the review of faculty determinations regarding the award of credit for prior experiential learning. The Registrar shall document Trinity Law School’s periodic review of faculty evaluations to assure that the faculty written evaluations and awards of credit comply with this section.

Grading for Elective Courses in the Juris Doctor Program

Elective courses will be graded according to Table B in Appendix 1. LA 953, LA 959 Clinics, LA 989LA 991, and LA 991a are graded on a credit/no credit basis.

Transcript Notations

Non-letter grades on student transcripts will be reflected as follows:

CR - Credit:  Represents the successful completion of a course offered on a credit/no credit basis. These units apply toward graduation requirements but are not calculated in the grade point average.

NC - No Credit:  Represents the failure to complete successfully a course offered on a credit/no credit basis. These units are calculated as units attempted but do not apply toward graduation requirements and are not used in the calculation of grade point average.

Transcript notations where no grade is given will be reflected as follows:

AU - Audit:  Indicates registration for a class on an audit basis, which normally indicates regular attendance in class and participation in discussion. Students who audit courses are not enrolled for credit.  No grade is assigned, and grade points and units are not awarded for courses audited.

N - In Progress: Represents coursework in progress.

AW - Authorized Withdrawal:  Indicates withdrawal from a course while doing acceptable work. These units do not apply toward graduation requirements and are not calculated in the student’s grade point average.

UW - Unauthorized Withdrawal: Indicates student failure to withdraw from a course in a timely manner, or administrative withdrawal from a course. These units do not apply toward graduation requirements and are not calculated in the student’s grade point average.

Repeating Courses

Juris Doctor Degree Program

A student on probation or in good standing receiving a grade below C may retake courses to seek a higher grade. A student will not be permitted to repeat a course in which the student received a grade of C or higher. Both grades will be reflected on the student's transcript but only the highest grade will be used for purposes of computing the student’s cumulative grade point average. Students cannot earn credit more than once for substantially similar coursework. 

In all cases of repeating courses, students will be charged the normal rate of tuition.

Students in the JD Flex Academic Support Classes do not have the option to retake those courses.

Master of Legal Studies Degree Program

A student may elect to repeat any course in which a grade of B- or lower is earned provided that the repeated course is taken through a regularly scheduled course, or as an independent study/guided research course with the approval of the Registrar's Office. The higher grade earned in the course will be used in the calculation of the grade point average. A repeated course for which credit has been earned may produce an improved grade and improved cumulative grade point average but will not provide additional credits. A required course in which a C or higher is earned may be repeated only once. Students cannot earn credit more than once for substantially similar coursework. All courses, grades, and grade point average calculations will remain printed on the transcript.

In all cases of repeating courses, students will be charged the normal rate of tuition.

Academic Advancement, Probation, and Dismissal

Juris Doctor Degree Program

If a student's cumulative grade point average after any semester is less than 2.0, the student will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. This applies to fall, spring, and summer semesters. Any student failing to earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 at the end of the semester during which they are on probation will be academically dismissed. Academic dismissal and academic probation are noted on student transcripts.

Students will not be allowed to graduate with a cumulative grade point average below 2.0.

Students are prohibited from completing law school prior to 32 months as required by the State Bar rules.

Failing a required course necessitates that the course be repeated. No credit will be earned for a failed course. Failing a course has implications on registration and may delay the anticipated graduation date.

Failing any JD Flex Academic Support course will result in dismissal from Trinity Law School.

Master of Legal Studies Degree Program

The minimum cumulative grade point average to earn a degree is 3.0. If a student's cumulative grade point average, after completion of any term, is less than 3.0, the student will be placed on academic probation. The probationary status will remain in effect until the student raises the cumulative grade point average to 3.0. Any student who earns a C- or below in any three courses will be academically dismissed. Academic dismissal and academic probation are noted on student transcripts.

Students will not be allowed to graduate with a cumulative grade point average below 3.0.

Failing a required course necessitates that the course be repeated. No credit will be earned for a failed course. Failing a course has implications on registration and may delay the anticipated graduation date.

Special Rules for Spring Matriculants

Juris Doctor Degree Program

Students who start their legal studies in the spring semester are subject to distinct rules regarding academic advancement, probation, and dismissal. All year-long classes started in the spring semester must be completed during the next summer session.

Students matriculating in the spring semester are subject to the 32-month residency requirement set by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California. Due to this requirement, any student who matriculates in the spring semester and wishes to graduate in three years must take courses during the summer session.

Administrative Balancing of Course Sections

Trinity Law School prides itself on smaller class sizes which allow our professors to provide more individualized instruction. At the start of each semester, for courses with multiple sections in the same format, the Registrar's Office may redistribute students between sections in an effort to better balance the class sizes. Priority to remain in a section will be given based on the registration order of students in the course. 

Special Students

Juris Doctor Degree Program

Students admitted as Special Students are those who have not completed the minimum two years of college work but have demonstrated equivalent intellectual achievement by achieving acceptable scores on Committee-specified examinations (CLEP) prior to beginning the study of law.

Once a Special Student has completed the first year of study at Trinity Law School, a Special Student is eligible to take the First-Year Law Students' Examination (FYLSX). A Special Student must take and pass the FYLSX within the three administrations of first becoming eligible to take the FYLSX. If a Special Student does not pass the FYLSX within the three administrations of first becoming eligible to take the FYLSX, the Special Student will be dismissed.

Additionally, Special Students must pass the FYLSX before they can enroll in a semester in which they would exceed 40 units earned at Trinity Law School. Special students must pass the FYLSX before any course credit can be awarded. 

Requirements for Graduation

Juris Doctor Degree Program

The JD degree is conferred upon students who have met the admissions requirements for the degree and who have satisfactorily completed the prescribed program of law study. To graduate with a JD degree, students must successfully complete the prescribed program of 90 units of study within 5 years. The 90 units must include the required courses. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above is required for the JD degree.

Candidates for the JD degree must complete their studies no earlier than 32 months and no later than 60 months after the student has commenced law study at Trinity Law School, or a school from which the law student has transferred credit. A student who requires more than 60 months to complete the JD degree must file a petition with the Registrar's Office for authorization. Final responsibility for meeting degree requirements for graduation rests with each student. 

Candidates for the JD degree must complete six units of practical skills courses. Courses that meet the practical skills requirement include LA 559 Legal Research and Writing 1: Objective Writing, LA 560b Legal Research and Writing 2: Persuasive Writing, LA 560d Legal Writing: Litigation Skills/LA 560e Legal Writing: Transactional Skills, clinics, and practical skills electives. The course description indicates if the course meets the practical skills requirement. 

Master of Legal Studies Degree Program

The MLS degree is conferred upon students who have met the admissions requirements for the degree and who have satisfactorily completed the prescribed program of study. To graduate with an MLS degree, students must successfully complete the prescribed program of 30 units of study and may not exceed 6 years from date of matriculation in the program. The 30 units must include the required courses. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above is required for the degree. Final responsibility for meeting degree requirements for graduation rests with each student.

Inspection and Photocopying of Examinations

Students are permitted to obtain and keep records of their essay examinations. If a student does not receive access to the student's own essays within two weeks of the posting of grades, the student may request copies from the Registrar's Office. Multiple-choice questions and answers for midterms and final examinations will not be released to students. If a student requests to review the results of the multiple-choice section of an exam, the student can review a report listing the correct “letter” answers with the student's corresponding “letter” answer choice. The actual question and answer will not be provided. 

For the Subject Matter Assessments, students will have one opportunity to view the questions and answers after completing the assessment. Students are not permitted to take photos or screenshots as they review their Subject Matter Assessment in Canvas. Any retention or distribution of the Subject Matter Assessment is considered a violation of the Standards of Conduct and Honor Code in the Catalog. 

Make-up Examinations

Juris Doctor Degree Program

The make-up of midterm and final examinations will only be allowed in very limited circumstances and with pre-approval of the Dean's Office. 

Deferral of examinations and make-up examination requests will not be granted due to a lack of student preparation. Failure to take an examination at the regularly scheduled time and date without approval by the Dean’s Office will result in a failing score for the examination.

Students should contact the Registrar's Office for any questions related to the deferral or make-up of examinations. In order to protect the student’s anonymity, the student should not contact the professor. Students who contact their professor forfeit their anonymity. 

If a student is absent for an examination due to an emergency, the student should contact the Registrar's Office as soon as the student is able to do so. After consultation with the Registrar's Office, which will conduct a preliminary assessment, the Registrar's Office will direct eligible students to petition the Dean’s Office for relief from the failing score for the examination.

Emergency situations will be limited to (i) hospitalization of the student or a member of the student’s immediate family that requires the student’s presence at the hospital, (ii) vehicular accidents occurring while traveling to the law school for an in-person examination, or the student's intended destination for an online examination, and (iii) extraordinary circumstances that, in the discretion of the Dean’s Office, justify a make-up examination. Any student who is determined to be eligible to take a make-up examination must pay $500 to cover the cost of preparing a separate examination.

This charge is not intended to be punitive and applies without regard to the reason for the late examination. All late examinations must be taken as soon as possible but in no event later than two weeks after the scheduled examination date or a later date that is determined by the Dean’s Office.


Juris Doctor Degree Program

To preserve anonymity in examination grading, students are assigned an examination number. The examination number is to be used on every midterm and final examination or final paper in lieu of the student's name. Students can locate their examination number by logging in to the TLS Portal under Important Links - ExamID. Students must maintain the confidentiality of their assigned numbers. New confidential examination numbers are issued once per academic year.  

Courses requiring the professor to interact extensively with students' written work, such as Legal Research and Writing and certain writing-intensive elective courses, do not require complete anonymity in grading. These courses require the professor to interact with students in person or via Zoom to give feedback on written assignments. Students should refer to the course syllabus to determine whether the course is graded anonymously. 

Students should not include their name on assignments or scantrons unless specifically instructed to do so. Students that include their name or other personal identifying information on their assignment submissions forfeit their anonymity. 

Exam Taking Options

Juris Doctor Degree Program

For in-person courses, students may either handwrite an examination in a bluebook provided at the time of examination or type answers on a laptop computer.

For online courses, students must type answers on a computer (desktops or laptops are acceptable provided there is a functioning webcam and microphone).

Students taking an examination on a computer must ensure that they have downloaded and installed the latest version of the Examplify, unless instructed otherwise by the Registrar's Office. Additionally, students taking examinations on a computer are responsible for ensuring that their computers are currently compatible with the Examplify requirements. 

State Bar Requirements for Admission to Practice Law

The State Bar of California regulates legal education in California.  Each student has the responsibility to comply fully with the Rules Regulating Admission to Practice Law in California.  Students are strongly advised to obtain a copy of the rules from the Office of Admissions of the State Bar of California.

Professional Responsibility Examination

Juris Doctor Degree Program

All applicants for admission to practice law in California are required to pass the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) administered by the National Conference of Bar Examiners. Trinity Law School recommends that students complete the LA 613 or LA 613x, as applicable, prior to taking the MPRE. Students should consult the State Bar of California website for details regarding the MPRE.

Admission to Practice Law Outside of California

Trinity Law School is accredited by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California. JD students are qualified immediately upon graduation to take the bar examination in California.

Study at, or graduation from, this law school may not qualify a student to take the bar examination or be licensed to practice law in jurisdictions other than California. A student who intends to seek licensure to practice law outside of California at any time during their career should contact the admitting authority for information regarding its education and licensure requirements prior to enrolling at this law school.

Admissions standards for each state are set forth in the American Bar Association’s Comprehensive Guide to Admission to the Practice of Law. This resource may be obtained at


For students who do not enroll, Trinity Law School retains all documents received in the admissions process for at least two years.

For students who do enroll, Trinity Law School retains documents for at least five years beyond the date the student last attended. Records of student's academic performance while at the law school are permanently retained.

Release of Transcripts

Unofficial transcripts are available through the TLS Portal. 

Official transcripts may be ordered online at by clicking on the Student or Alumni link at the top of the page and choosing “Request Transcript.”  Once on the Transcript Ordering Center website, students will need to select Trinity International University - Law School.

Emergencies Affecting Coursework

In order to request an extension for completion of course requirements, students should send a completed Student Petition Form to the Registrar’s Office. Such requests are considered only in cases of serious illness or other unforeseeable emergencies and are authorized on a case-by-case basis.

Law School Student Petition Form

The Student Petition Form has been devised as a convenient medium of communication between the student and the administration. This form is available through the Registrar's Office. It should be filled out completely and forwarded to the Registrar’s Office.