Welcome to Trinity Law School

Trinity Law School is a dynamic academic community committed to providing quality legal education within the framework of a Biblical Christian worldview. All law schools endeavor to teach students to think like lawyers. Trinity, however, is unique.  Here you will not only learn to think like a lawyer, but you will also learn how all law should be founded upon and in harmony with God’s law. Your classes will discuss not only defending clients but also defending the faith. You will learn about the law and public policy dominant in the United States in the past and today. Equally important, however, you will develop the skills to champion the implementation of Godly laws and public policies for the future. You will come to understand not merely the rights and interests demanded by men and women in our culture, but also the eternal and inalienable rights flowing from God’s creation of mankind in His image.

Trinity Law School has many other advantages. Our faculty of experienced professors and practitioners are fully committed to a life of Christian service in their personal and professional lives. We have a low faculty-to-student ratio that allows for far more personalized instruction than you would receive at many other law schools. We offer a number of clinical opportunities that provide hands-on practical legal experience as a part of your legal education. Perhaps our most important distinctive is that we provide an extraordinarily collegial environment in which students, faculty, and staff work together, pray together, and serve together for the glory of God and His Kingdom. 

Trinity Law School is a special place. If you are a current student, we are happy to have you here. For those of you considering joining us, thank you, and we hope to see you on campus soon. May God bless you.


Eric Halvorson