
Levels of scholastic achievement are determined by several means that may include periodic testing at the discretion of the instructor, class participation, daily assignments, class attendance, and a final examination at the end of the semester. These levels of achievement are expressed and recorded as follows:

A — Superior: indicates outstanding achievement in completeness and accuracy of comprehension, sustained and effective use of knowledge, independence of thought, originality, and ability to interrelate knowledge with other disciplines.

B — Good: indicates above average achievement in respect to some, if not all, of the aforementioned factors.

C — Satisfactory: indicates acceptable work such as may be expected from students of normal ability.

D — Below Average: indicates a standard of work below that expected from students of normal ability.

F — Failure: indicates that requirements were not satisfactorily fulfilled in a credit course.

I — Incomplete: indicates a twelve-week extension (four weeks for online courses) for completion of course requirements in cases of serious illness, emergency, or impairment of a student’s ability to perform satisfactorily. It is granted only upon verification of a student’s good standing in the course by the instructor, verification of the circumstances by the Dean of Students, and approval of the Academic Dean. The grade automatically becomes “F” if the incomplete work is not completed within twelve weeks from the end of the semester in which the student was enrolled in the course.

Failure to appear for a final examination or complete the semester's work in the time allowed is not evidence for the Incomplete except as indicated above and, in absence of such evidence, the test and other work will be graded as an "F."  

P — Pass: indicates that a student has performed at a “C–” or higher level of scholastic achievement. The P grade is not computed into the Trinity grade point average.

Policies for the Pass/No Credit option:

  • junior or senior classification (58 or more hours);
  • course not applied to general education, major, or minor requirements;
  • no more than one course per semester; and
  • a maximum of 12 hours with a P grade applicable to meeting the 120-hour graduation requirement.

The student must apply for the Pass / No Credit option no later than day ten of instruction (corresponding to the last day to add a class). Once selected, this option may not be returned to the letter-grade system.

NC — No Credit: indicates that a student who opted to take a course under the Pass / No Credit option did not attain a “C–” or higher level of scholastic achievement. The NC grade is not computed into the Trinity grade point average.

AU — Audit: indicates regular involvement in the intellectual investigation of a course, even though academic credit is not received and hours are not counted in the computation of grade point average. Students may change from audit to credit up to the fifteenth day of the semester and from credit to audit up to the tenth week of the semester.

NCA — No Credit Audit: indicates that requirements were not satisfactorily fulfilled for an audit course.

W — Withdrawal: indicates an official withdrawal from class after “last day to add a class” period and prior to the tenth week of the semester.

Note: A special grade designation is posted whenever a student grade is not submitted by a faculty instructor. The student will see an “NR” designation posted on the web grade report, which indicates that the Academic Records Office is waiting for the grade to be submitted. Students should contact their faculty instructor with questions regarding any pending grades posted with an “NR” designation.