Scholastic Status

Dean’s List

Students who earn at least 12 hours and a session grade point average of 3.50 or above in a given semester are awarded special recognition by being placed on the Dean’s List.

Graduation Honors

Graduates who attain a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or above with a minimum of 48 credit hours of Trinity work are recognized as follows:

summa cum laude 3.90 GPA, or 3.80 GPA and completion of the honors program
magna cum laude 3.70 GPA, or 3.60 GPA and completion of the honors program
cum laude 3.50 GPA, or 3.40 GPA and completion of the honors program

Honors shall be determined on the basis of work completed prior to the semester in which the graduation exercises are held. The diploma and transcript will reflect honors earned in all undergraduate work. The official honors designation awarded will include the final semester coursework and is based on the transcript posting of degree completion. If the final semester GPA calculation to determine honors differs from the honors announcement at commencement, the honors award will be adjusted accordingly.

Satisfactory Progress

Satisfactory progress is determined each semester. The May Term academic progress will be included and calculated with the spring semester cumulative GPA calculation. A student maintains satisfactory progress upon successful completion of at least 12 hours as a full-time student or 6 hours as a half-time student per semester while maintaining a cumulative GPA as follows:

Hours Attempted Cumulative GPA
1-26 1.50
27-42 1.62
43-58 1.75
59-75 1.87
76+ 2.00

Including transfer credits but not grades.

Academic Warning

A student whose semester or cumulative GPA is below 2.0 at the end of a semester will be on Academic Warning for the following semester.

Academic Probation

A student whose cumulative GPA is below the required level for hours attempted will be placed on academic probation. Once a student has been placed on academic probation, the probationary status remains until the student’s Trinity cumulative GPA meets or exceeds the above academic scale.

Academic Dismissal

A student whose cumulative GPA remains below the required level at the end of a probation semester is subject to academic dismissal.

Academic Dismissal Appeal Process

A student who has been academically dismissed may appeal to the Dean of the College within five days of receipt of notification. The basis of the appeal must be extraordinary circumstances such as serious and documented illness, injury, or family crisis. 

Reinstatement following Academic Dismissal

To be considered for reinstatement to Trinity, a student who has been academically dismissed must present a transcript from an accredited college showing credits earned subsequent to the dismissal. The transcript must indicate 12 or more hours of credit transferable to Trinity earned during one semester with grades of “C” or better. If reinstated, the student will be placed on Academic Probation.