Community (Student Life)
Student Life provides opportunity for students to integrate their faith with their living and learning. Through chapel services, forums, and various activities and events, Student Life seeks to support the learning that is taking place in the classrooms by providing opportunities for students to apply what they learn to their practice. By living out what they are learning, students have the opportunity to see how our faith, built on the full revelation of Scripture, permeates and influences every aspect of our lives. Truly, no facets of our lives remain outside the reign of Jesus Christ.
At the heart of each member of the Student Life staff, you will find a deep desire to serve our students and facilitate their intellectual, spiritual, emotional, social, and physical development. To encourage holistic growth in each and every one of our students, Student Life is intentional about providing a positive, co-curricular environment with numerous on and off-campus opportunities. Our aim is to foster a learning atmosphere that allows students to integrate their faith with their lives, while affirming each individual’s unique identity in the body of Christ and in the learning community of Trinity, all within the context of supporting the intellectual seriousness and academic rigors of graduate education.
Whether assisting Trinity students with a housing need, promoting healthy living and spiritual formation, or forming supportive relationships, Student Life staff seek to be available to all students and to cultivate growth regardless of the venue. In all things, our staff attempts to encourage and model a wholehearted pursuit of the Lord through real relationships that demonstrate openness and transparency, and through renewal of our minds, bringing all things into greater Christ likeness in our lives.
For more information on student life, please refer to the graduate student handbook available on myTIU.
Worship is at the heart of the Christian life and at the heart of our mission as a university. Chapel plays a crucial role in forming us into a community that worships God and reminds us that all that we know and do are means of glorifying him. Truly, our academic pursuit is in an act of worship toward God. Chapel helps us to integrate our faith with our living and learning.
Worship is at the center of the Christian life and at the center of the Trinity community. TEDS students, faculty, and staff join together for corporate worship weekly in the A. T. Olson Chapel. The Holy Scripture is central to all of our worship as gifted faculty members, students, and leaders from around the world help us to faithfully engage with God and his Word. Chapel provides a place of rest for students in the midst of busy schedules as they are reminded of God’s goodness and grace. Chapel is also a place of community building, as students and faculty share times of prayer and testimony together. All students are strongly encouraged to make our corporate worship gatherings an integral part of their training at Trinity.
The chapel seeks to communicate and model the importance of local church involvement. A Local Church database is updated each year, and periodically pastors will come to campus so that students may find and connect to the ministries of a local church.
Many students commute to campus, and we provide space for studying and relaxing such as the Waybright Center, Rodine Building Lobby, Library and other lounges. Most buildings open at 6 a.m. and close late for the convenience of commuters.
Another important part of community life at Trinity is the All-University Convocation, which marks the beginning of the academic year. University library and offices are closed so that all faculty, students, and staff from Trinity’s various schools may come together to be united in worship. Worship is usually led by a team of administrators, students, faculty, and staff, which gives visible expression to the diversity of the Trinity community. Through a presidential address, we are challenged with our Christian calling in the world and are reminded of Trinity’s place in that calling.
Counseling Resources
At TEDS, we believe that the ministry of counseling is a key resource for our students, staff, and their families as they encounter challenges and grow in their walk with Christ. We provide a database of local mental health counselors who share our values, our Christian outlook, and who have expressed openness to working with the TEDS family.
Deacon’s Benevolence Fund
The Deacon’s Fund is based on the New Testament pattern of a Christian community caring for the temporal needs of fellow believers. Donations are received and dispersed to meet the special, unforeseen needs of students and their immediate families. The Dean's office seeks to identify those who qualify for this ministry.
Formation Groups
TEDS students meet weekly in a small group led by a faculty member, generally during the 12:00 hour on Tuesdays or Thursdays, or during other times throughout the week. These Formation Groups are an important component of our students’ personal, spiritual, and ministry development. As a place for discussion, prayer, and mentoring, Formation Groups complement more formal education and offer a warm place for mutual encouragement in the context of ministry and theological education. Formation Groups are guided by three main objectives:
To Grow Together in Biblical Wisdom...
by bringing Scripture, theology, and history to bear on relevant personal, ministry, cultural, and sociopolitical issues
To Grow Together in the Grace of God...
by engaging in and understanding primary means of grace (Word, Prayer, Worship), as well as other Christian disciplines
To Grow Together in Relationships and Relational Skills...
by engaging in the building of relationships, mutual ministry, and service to others; providing encouragement and accountability with those who share the unique challenges of ministry and theological education
Participation in Formation Groups is required for MDiv students as a part of the candidacy process (see MDiv Candidacy). For master’s program students, registration and participation in two semesters of Formation Group can serve to fulfill up to one field education requirement. Any participation beyond the two is encouraged but will not be further counted to fulfill any remaining field education.
Graduate students are eligible to apply for on-campus housing, in graduate residence hall suites as well as in the apartments. Contact
Immunization Requirements
The State of Illinois requires incoming students to submit documentation with exact dates of the following injections: Measles (two); Mumps (one); Rubella (one); and Tetanus/Diphtheria (one injection within the last ten years). For students not attending U.S. grades 9-12, three Tetanus/Diphtheria injections are required, the third being within the last ten years. A PPD tuberculosis skin test is also required within the last twelve months. If written documentation is not available, all injections must be repeated. Students may receive a medical exemption from their doctor or write a letter of religious objection. Illinois law does not permit conscientious objection.
Accepted students will receive further information on how to register with MedProctor, our immunization management system. Students should not send immunization documentation before receiving the official invitation for this online program. Students who are taking less than 6 hours of credit or who were born prior to 1957 are exempt from this law.
International Student and Scholar Office
The International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) provides comprehensive non-immigrant regulation advisement, hospitality assistance, social support, and advocacy for international students while striving to foster further cross-cultural understanding through interaction between the international students and the broader community.
The ISSO works with more than one-hundred-fifty international students and their families. Immigration matters for graduate students are handled in the ISSO.
The ISSO serves to implement the federal Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) as related to the issuing of visas for international students. The office ensures that the university remains in compliance with all federal and state reporting requirements, authorizing I-20 and I-17 forms.
The ISSO is concerned about students’ needs as they begin the transition to their new surroundings in the United States and provides counseling on immigration issues and cultural adjustments. Upon new students’ arrival, the ISSO has a special orientation program, arranges for household items and furniture to be available, coordinates hospitality, and provides information for adjustment and transition to a new locale and culture.
Weight and aerobic equipment are available at the Aldeen Fitness Center, as are a variety of classes. In addition, the privately owned College Park Athletic Club offers a discounted rate to Trinity students and staff.
New Student Orientation
New Student Orientation (NSO) facilitates a hospitable transition for new students and their families through a relevant and significant introduction to all aspects of life in the Trinity learning community. NSO ushers students into the Trinity learning community through events designed to both communicate and embody Trinity’s Core Values in ways that impact students’ education and life. It is important for students and family members to understand and experience these core values so that they are excited and affirmed in their choice to come to Trinity. NSO seeks to help new students establish relationships with other students and faculty. Another priority is to guide them through the initial processes needed for beginning well.
New Student Orientation events incorporate corporate worship, community meals, tours of the campus and facilities, and communication of vital information on academic and other matters to aid a new student’s transition to graduate education.
Prayer is an important aspect of community life at Trinity. Classes frequently begin with prayer. Students and faculty can often be seen praying with each other around the campus. Faculty and administrators meet together weekly for prayer, while various student prayer groups meet throughout the campus.
Once every semester, classes are suspended for a Day of Prayer. The purpose of this day is to acknowledge our humble dependence upon Christ by making room to intercede for God’s continuing work at Trinity and around the world. This important day also allows for extended times of personal and corporate reflection. The morning is spent in creative, concerted prayer and thanksgiving in the chapel. In the afternoon, Formation Groups continue in prayer, fellowship, and other activities.
Residence Life
Residence Life exists to provide living environments conducive to holistic community discipleship. We believe that people are created for relationship and that community is paramount for growth in Christ. As iron sharpens iron, we sharpen one another, and while we are different, we come together as a body to spur one another on toward personal growth and kingdom work. It is our desire that life for our campus residents would be vibrant and active, a place where fellowship and community are encouraged and where there is safety for processing tough times as well as celebrating seasons of joy.
At Trinity, we believe that your on-campus residence is your home - a place for you to feel known and to participate in doing life with other people as we journey closer to God together. We seek to cultivate and facilitate a holistic environment that is conducive to meeting the educational goals of our students, to developing life skills, and to forming lifelong friendships. It provides an opportunity for students to integrate faith with living.
The Residence Life staff is comprised of Resident Assistants responsible for fostering community discipleship among their students. The Resident Assistant offers students encouragement, support, guidance, and practical assistance. Community is built through participation in shared meal times, small group activities, regular worship, prayer times, and other planned events for fellowship and relaxation.
Room Reservations
Official on-campus student groups have access to campus facilities. Please contact Event Services to request and approve campus reservations ( or 847.317.7134).
Services to Students with Disabilities
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of the institution to provide effective auxiliary aids, services, and academic adjustments to qualified students with disabilities. The Dean of Students acts as the ADA coordinator, assisting students with disabilities in obtaining auxiliary aids and services.
The Dean of Students Office, in consultation with the faculty member(s) involved, assists students with disabilities by making academic adjustments on a case-by-case basis. Requests for aids, services, or academic adjustments should be submitted in writing with appropriate supporting documentation of the relevant disability at the earliest possible time. (For more information, see the “Policies” section.)
Spiritual Life
Student Life staff members are available to talk with students about their spiritual and personal concerns.
Graduate Student Groups
Graduate student groups are organized to address the various needs, interests, and concerns of members of the community. These organizations provide service and fellowship opportunities for students and are an important part of the life of the school. Official groups may promote their activities and meetings on MyTIU and through the University Calendar. Graduate student groups include organizations such as the following:
Fellowship of International Students (FIS)
The Fellowship of International Students exists to advocate for and attend to the needs of the F-1 and J-1 student community and their families. The FIS also strives to be a bridge builder by facilitating an enriching, diverse, and international experience and fellowship within the TEDS/TGS community. The FIS is composed of fellowship groups such as the African Students Fellowship, Chinese Students Fellowship, European Students Fellowship, Japanese Students Fellowship, and Korean Students Fellowship.
SLC exists to advocate for student needs to the faculty and administration and to serve the student body through various educational and recreational activities. SLC strives to foster intentional Christ-centered communities among various constituents of the university through all of its efforts. Students are welcome to participate either informally on projects or formally as representatives. SLC welcomes suggestions, ideas, and feedback from students.
Trinity Society of Women (TSW)
The purpose of TSW is to inspire women to exemplify integrity in life and doctrine in the pursuit of God-glorifying excellence at TEDS and TGS. This is facilitated through developing, organizing, and supporting activities for women students at Trinity. TSW also serves to help acclimate women to campus and to prepare them for ministry in whatever area God has called them to serve. These activities include mentoring programs, informal lunches, prayer meetings, guest speakers and events.
Trinity Wives Fellowship (TWF)
TWF is a fellowship and support group available to both graduate student and faculty wives. Through regular meetings and special activities, women have the opportunity to develop strong Christian relationships with other women, while experiencing spiritual and educational growth.