Bible (BI)

BI 101 Understanding the Old Testament - 3 Hours

A survey of the setting, history, and literature of the Old Testament. Emphasis is given to major Old Testament themes, including covenant, salvation, worship, wisdom, justice and righteousness, and messianic hope. Delivery mode: Online, Wisconsin Prison Initiative, and Florida undergraduate.

BI 105 Understanding the Old Testament - 3 Hours

An introduction to the Old Testament, with an emphasis on its content, themes, and message. Students learn to read these Scriptures in their literary, social, and historical context so as to better understand their contemporary relevance and apply them faithfully. Delivery mode: online.

BI 111 Understanding the New Testament - 3 Hours

A survey of the setting, history, and literature of the New Testament. Emphasis is given to major New Testament themes, including the person and work of Jesus Christ, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the theology of Paul, and the Christian in society. Delivery mode: Online, Wisconsin Prison Initiative, and Florida undergraduate.

BI 115 Understanding the New Testament - 3 Hours

An introduction to the New Testament with emphasis on its content, themes, and message. Students learn to read these Scriptures in their literary, social, and historical context so as to better understand their contemporary relevance and apply them faithfully. Delivery mode: online.

BI 210 Biblical Interpretation - 3 Hours

This course is designed to acquaint the student with a basic understanding of the principles of biblical interpretation as well as the primary tools of biblical research. The student will then apply these principles and tools to the study of a selected New Testament epistle. Prerequisite: BI 101 or BI 111. Delivery mode: Online, Wisconsin Prison Initiative, and Florida undergraduate.

BI 211 Ethics and the Bible - 3 Hours

This course examines the people, places, and stories of the Bible as a revealed resource for being and becoming Christian in the 21st century. The goal is to establish an ethical framework consonant with the biblical witness in the context of increasingly antithetical systems in contemporary culture and to learn to apply this ethical framework to issues in our personal lives and in our society in order to become more human and humane. Prerequisites: BI 105 or BI 115. Delivery mode: online.

BI 275 Teaching the Bible - 3 Hours

A study of theories and methods of teaching the Bible utilizing instructional objectives. Students prepare and present lesson plans to demonstrate their proficiency in the stating and accomplishing of appropriate educational objectives. Prerequisite: BI 210. Delivery mode: Online, Wisconsin Prison Initiative, and Florida undergraduate.

BI 290 Interpreting and Teaching the Bible - 3 Hours

This course provides exposure to select theories and further develops skills for interpreting the Bible. Students learn how to transition from interpretation to teaching a variety of audiences with pastoral and contextual sensitivity. Specific attention will be given to interpreting and teaching texts of different genres from both the Old Testament and New Testament. Prerequisites: BI 105 or BI 115. Delivery mode: online.

BI 301 Old Testament Pentateuch and Former Prophets - 3 Hours

A study of the Pentateuch (Genesis through Deuteronomy) and Former Prophets (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings) in the Old Testament. This course briefly surveys all books in the corpus, but interpretation focuses on a particular book. Students strengthen interpretive skills by examining key structural, contextual, thematic, critical, and theological issues in the book. Prerequisite: BI 105. Delivery mode: online.

BI 302 Pentateuch - 3 Hours

A study of the content, theology, and criticism of the Pentateuch. Emphasis will be on major themes like creation, fall, salvation, election, covenant, ethics and worship, and law. A particular book of the Pentateuch will be exegeted in detail and developed from theological and literary perspectives and its literary, social, and historical context. Prerequisites: BI 101, BI 210. Delivery mode: Wisconsin Prison Initiative, Florida undergraduate.

BI 303 Old Testament Latter Prophets - 3 Hours

A study of the Latter Prophets (Isaiah through Ezekiel, the Twelve, and Daniel) in the Old Testament. This course briefly surveys all books in this corpus, but interpretation focuses on a particular book. Students strengthen interpretive skills by examining key structural, contextual, thematic, critical, and theological issues in the book. Prerequisite: BI 105. Delivery mode: online.

BI 304 Old Testament Prophetic Books - 3 Hours

A study of the historical setting and message of the Old Testament prophets. The course will survey all the prophetic books briefly, and focus a particular prophetic book. Selected passages will be exegeted in class using methods taught in BI 210 Biblical Interpretation. Prerequisites: BI 101, BI 210. Delivery mode: Wisconsin Prison Initiative, and Florida undergraduate.

BI 306 Old Testament Poetic Books - 3 Hours

A study of the poetic books of the Old Testament: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations. Emphasis will be on major themes like praise, lament, messianic hope, the fear of the Lord, the problem of suffering, and the nature of wisdom. A selection of representative psalms and the most important chapters in Wisdom Literatures will be exegeted in detail and developed from a theological and literary perspective. Prerequisites: BI 101, BI 210. Delivery mode: Wisconsin Prison Initiative, and Florida undergraduate.

BI 307 Old Testament Writings - 3 Hours

A study of the poetic books (Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations) and post-exile narratives (Ezra/Nehemiah, Esther, Chronicles) in the Old Testament. This course briefly surveys all books in the corpus, but interpretation focuses on a particular book. Students strengthen interpretive skills by examining key structural, contextual, thematic, critical, and theological issues in the book. Prerequisite: BI 105. Delivery mode: online.

BI 308 Old Testament Historical Books - 3 Hours

A consideration of the basic outline of Israelite history contained in the books of Joshua-2 Kings, Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1 and 2 Chronicles. In addition to content and theology of a particular historical book, emphasis is on the historiography of the biblical authors and differing modern historiographical approaches to these Old Testament books. Prerequisites: BI 101, BI 210. Delivery mode: Wisconsin Prison Initiative and Florida undergraduate.

BI 312 Life of Christ - 3 Hours

A study of the life of Jesus Christ, with emphasis on crisis events. Attention is given to Jesus in a particular Gospel, to the developments in Jesus' ministry, and to the topics of messiahship, kingdom of God, discipleship, and controversy. Prerequisites: BI 111, BI 210. Delivery mode: Wisconsin Prison Initiative, and Florida undergraduate.

BI 313 New Testament Church - 3 Hours

A study of early Christianity based on the Book of Acts. Attention is given to the historicity of Acts, the careers of Peter and Paul, and the dynamics that spread the church into the Roman world. Prerequisites: BI 111, BI 210. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BI 331 New Testament Synoptic Gospels and Acts - 3 Hours

A study of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) and Acts in the New Testament. This course briefly surveys all books in the corpus, but interpretation focuses on a particular book. Students strengthen interpretive skills by examining key structural, contextual, thematic, critical, and theological issues in the book. Prerequisite: BI 115. Delivery mode: online.

BI 333 New Testament Pauline Epistles - 3 Hours

A study of the Pauline epistles (Romans through Philemon) in the New Testament. This course briefly surveys all books in this corpus, but interpretation focuses on a particular book. Students strengthen interpretive skills by examining key structural, contextual, thematic, critical, and theological issues in the book. Prerequisite: BI 115. Delivery mode: online.

BI 335 Theology of the General Epistles - 3 Hours

A study of major theological themes of the general epistles including christology, soteriology, and sanctification with detailed exegetical attention given to a particular general epistle. Prerequisite: BI 111; BI 210 recommended. Delivery mode: Wisconsin Prison Initiative and Florida undergraduate.

BI 336 Theology of the Pauline Epistles - 3 Hours

A study of major theological themes of the Pauline literature including soteriology, ecclesiology, and theology proper, with detailed exegetical attention given to a Pauline epistle. Prerequisite BI 111 required; BI 210 recommended. Delivery mode: Wisconsin Prison Initiative and Florida undergraduate.

BI 337 New Testament General Epistles - 2 Hours

A study of the general epistles (Hebrews through 2 Peter, Jude) in the New Testament. This course briefly surveys all books in this corpus, but interpretation focuses on a particular book. Students strengthen interpretive skills by examining key structural, contextual, thematic, critical, and theological issues in the book. Prerequisite: BI 115. Delivery mode: online.

BI 339 New Testament Johannine Literature - 2 Hours

A study of the Johannine literature (Gospel of John, 1-3 John, Revelation) in the New Testament. This course briefly surveys all books in the corpus, but interpretation focuses on a particular book. Students strengthen interpretive skills by examining key structural, contextual, thematic, critical, and theological issues in the book. Prerequisite: BI 115. Delivery mode: online.

BI 350 Topics in the Bible - 1-3 Hours

A study of an individual book or topic in Old Testament or New Testament. May be repeated for different books or topics. Prerequisites: BI 105 or BI 115, and BI 210. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BI 400 Romans - 3 Hours

A study of the background, content, and theology of Paul's letter to Rome; emphasis is placed on the development of major themes of the book. Prerequisites: BI 101 and BI 111. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BI 405 New Testament Theology - 3 Hours

An in-depth study of the central tenets of the Christian faith with emphasis on the doctrines of God, the church, sin, and salvation. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BI 415 Theological Issues - 3 Hours

An examination of theological issues within selected categories of systematic theology with an emphasis on the key doctrines in each category as viewed from differing theological perspectives. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate and Florida undergraduate.

BI 430 The Book of Acts - 3 Hours

A study of the background, content, and theology of the early church as found in Acts. Emphasis is placed on the development of the early church, the missionary journeys, and the relationship of the gospels and epistles to the historical events in Acts. Prerequisites: BI 101 and BI 111. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

BI 435 Revelation - 3 Hours

A study of the background, content, and theology of the book of Revelation. Emphasis is placed upon identifying the major themes of the book by interpreting its messages and visions. In addition, attention is given to the major interpretive approaches to the book. Prerequisites: BI 101 and BI 111. Delivery Mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

BI 450 Independent Study - 1-4 Hours

Advanced study in special topics for students who have demonstrated ability in biblical studies. The preparation of a research paper will normally be required. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online and Florida undergraduate.