Biblical and Religious Studies (BRS)

BRS 290X Christian Apologetics - 3 Hours

Introduction to the major intellectual challenges facing Christianity, and examination of the means and methods Christians have used to address these challenges. Proofs for God's existence and a broad range of philosophical approaches for defending the Christian faith. Cross-listed with PH 290X.

BRS 305 Theology I: The God of the Gospel - 3 Hours

This course reflects upon the triune God and the God-world relation. It introduces theological methodology and treats the doctrines of general and special revelation, particularly that of Holy Scripture. The course also engages theology proper (the divine perfections and personal attributes of the Holy Trinity) and the works of God in creating and providentially caring for the cosmos, including humans. Delivery mode: online.

BRS 306 Theology II: The Gospel of God - 3 Hours

This course focuses on the gospel, the economy of salvation, the incarnation of the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The course begins by treating the human condition as now fallen, and sin as the backdrop of the gospel. Attention then turns to the work of Christ, particularly the atonement and accomplishment of redemption as the content of the gospel. The course then considers the application and consummation of redemption by examining the work of the Holy Spirit, the nature, mission, and destiny of the church as the gathered people of God as the climax of the gospel. The course concludes with a consideration of how the gospel story ends, for believers and unbelievers, in the glory of God's being all in all in the new heaven and new earth. Prerequisite: BRS 305. Delivery mode: online.

BRS 321X American Church History - 3 Hours

A survey of the history of Christianity in America from the colonial period to the present. Special attention is given to the Protestant evangelical tradition. Cross-listed with HI 321X. Delivery mode: online.

BRS 330 Christian Evidences - 3 Hours

An examination of the concept of "evidence" and a rigorous study of the historical events and documents upon which Christianity rests, as well as a comprehensive overview of the presuppositions and conceptions that are inimical to orthodox Christianity and how they may be handled. Prerequisite: Any two of the general education requirement courses (BI 101, BI 111, or BI 210). Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BRS 331 Christian Doctrine - 3 Hours

A study of the major doctrines of Christianity as taught in the Bible, with some emphasis on the development of doctrines in the history of the Church and the various options held by the Christian Church. Prerequisite: BI 101 or BI 111. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BRS 332 Biblical Theology - 3 Hours

A survey of the methods and content of biblical theology. Emphasis is on the Bible's storyline examine how the books and corpora of the Bible contribute to the unfolding history of redemption. Attention is given to themes of temple, sacrifice, priest, rest, kingship, exile, idolatry, promise, messiah, wisdom, and others. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

BRS 338 Theological and Sociological Foundations of Evangelism - 3 Hours

A study of the theology of evangelism and contemporary sociological factors of conversion. Examination of the gospel message and biblical reasons for doing evangelism and consideration of issues in understanding why people convert, in order to formulate an evangelical understanding of evangelism. Contemporary evangelistic methods and evaluation of them in light of the material presented in class. Students are challenged to make evangelism a component of daily life whether in a vocational ministry or a secular occupation. Delivery mode: online.

BRS 340X History of Christianity - 3 Hours

A survey of the history of the Christian church from the New Testament to the present. Approximately equal time is spent on the early, medieval, Reformation, and modern periods. Offered fall semester in odd-numbered years for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; other modes as scheduled. Cross-listed with HI 340X. Delivery mode: online, Florida undergraduate, and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

BRS 341 Theology: Prolegomena, Scripture, Theology Proper - 3 Hours

This course begins by clarifying the nature, method, and necessity of theology. Discussion then moves to the doctrine of Scripture, including revelation, inspiration, illumination, and inerrancy. This course concludes with the study of the existence and nature of God (including the Trinity), God's works of creation (including angels), and providence. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

BRS 342 Theology: Christ, Humanity, Sin, Salvation - 3 Hours

This course covers the study of the person and work of Christ. It treats the nature of man both as a creature and as a sinner, including original sin, imputation of sin, and the nature and consequences of individual acts of sin. Discussion focuses on both the atoning work of Christ and on the application of the work of Christ by the Holy Spirit that runs from election through conversion and justification all the way to glorification. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

BRS 343 Theology: Holy Spirit, Church, Last Things - 3 Hours

This course begins with the study of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Focus then shifts to the doctrine of the church. Topics include the nature, mission, function, organization, and ordinances of the church; the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in ministry; and the relation of Israel to the church. The course concludes with a treatment of the Last Things in relation to individuals (including the intermediate state and the resurrection of the body) and in relation to the following corporate groups: the church, Israel, and the nations. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

BRS 350 Topics in Biblical and Religious Studies - 1-3 Hours

A study of selected biblical or religious topics. May be repeated for different topics. Offered on demand for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BRS 359 Topics for Honors Students - 3 Hours

Selected topics not taught under specific course titles. Depending on the topic, the course will be designated as falling under one or more departments. May be repeated for credit if the topic differs. Offered spring semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BRS 363X Survey of Religious Diversity - 3 Hours

A survey of the world's major religions, including Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religious movements. The specific aim of the course is to learn how to understand and engage a full range of religious worldviews from the perspective of the Christian faith. Special attention is given to comparing and contrasting religious movements with the historic Christian faith. The course probes various dimensions of the problem of religious truth, explores the possibility of constructing a systematic understanding of religions, and seeks to formulate creative and thoughtful responses to the problem of religious diversity. Cross-listed with PH 363X. Delivery mode: online.

BRS 400 Bible and Ministry Senior Seminar - 3 Hours

A seminar that focuses on the needs and issues related to preparing for postgraduate ministry or education. Includes in-depth study of selected problems and recent developments related to biblical studies, theology, and ministry. Fulfills the IDS 499X Integrative Thought Capstone requirement for Bible and Ministry majors. Prerequisites: BI 105, BI 115, and CM 172. Delivery mode: online.

BRS 430 Advanced Topics in Religious Studies - 1-3 Hours

Selected courses taught at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Open only to qualified juniors and seniors with approval from the Director of TEDS Undergraduate Teaching and TEDS professor. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BRS 437X Music in Worship - 3 Hours

The study of biblical, theological, historical, and practical concepts and patterns for worship of all major Christian traditions. The types of music and the roles music has played in the worship of various historical traditions will be considered in light of the theology of those traditions. Includes the study of congregational song. Student projects will include planning, leading, and evaluating music in worship. Prerequisites: BI 105 and BI 115 or permission of instructor. Offered fall semester in even-numbered years. Cross-listed with WOR 437X. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BRS 450 Independent Study - 1-4 Hours

Advanced study in special topics for students who have demonstrated ability in religious studies. The preparation of a research paper will normally be required. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.