Business (BUS)

BUS 101 Introduction to Business - 3 Hours

This is a survey course in business that is designed to provide students with a holistic perspective on how and why businesses function. The course exposes students to planning, production, distribution, marketing/advertising, sales, distribution, accounting, finance, human resources, and management. Special consideration is given to ethical responsibility. Offered each semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 103 Introduction to Economics - 3 Hours

Survey of economics. Issues of supply and demand, national income accounting, money and banking, market structures, and contemporary economic issues are studied. Both microeconomic and macroeconomic principles are presented. Not available for credit for students with credit in either BUS 207 or BUS 208, or equivalent. Delivery mode: online, Florida undergraduate.

BUS 111 Principles of Management - 3 Hours

This course exposes students to the general principles of management including planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational efforts. Special consideration is given to ethical responsibility and the role of management within the broader social context. Offered as scheduled. Delivery mode: Online, and Florida undergraduate.

BUS 113 Principles of Marketing - 3 Hours

Students are exposed to the principle concepts in marketing, including planning, consumer behavior, segmenting, and positioning. Tactical considerations for products, pricing, channels of distribution, and promotion-advertising, professional selling, sales promotion, digital, and public relations. Special concerns in international marketing and ethical decision making are woven throughout course content. Delivery mode: online, and Florida undergraduate.

BUS 115 Human Resources Management - 3 Hours

Content of this course includes personnel processes, which are considered within a framework of manpower resources development and utilization. Functions and activities of the Human Resources Department are outlined and discussed (e.g. recruitment, selection, training). In addition, the impact of Human Resource function on both the organization (management) and the individual are discussed. Delivery mode: online, and Florida undergraduate.

BUS 181 Survey of International Business - 3 Hours

A survey of business in a global economy. Topics covered include the economic, political, and cultural factors determining the business environment, foreign direct investment, human resource management of foreign labor, international law, international marketing, international trade, international finance, and strategic planning in a global economy. Delivery mode: online.

BUS 201 Business Law - 3 Hours

This course provides an overview and consideration of the general principles of law as applied to commercial situations. Emphasis is given to contracts, negotiable instruments, personal and real property, and trade regulations. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Delivery mode: online.

BUS 207 Microeconomics - 3 Hours

An analysis of market behavior emphasizing the determinants of demand and supply. Emphasis is placed on potential advantages, disadvantages, and limitation of the market system in providing goods and services in an economically efficient manner. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 208 Macroeconomics - 3 Hours

An introduction and survey of the nature of economic problems and analysis. Different methods of organizing society are discussed, with an emphasis placed on U.S. institutions and experience. Prerequisite: BUS 207 or permission of instructor. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 214 Introduction to Managing Nonprofit Organizations - 3 Hours

This course covers the theories and principles for managing nonprofit organizations. This includes practices such as strategy formulation, goal setting, staffing, organizing, implementation, and evaluation. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I - 3 Hours

An introduction to principles and procedures, including basic concepts of the accounting cycle and related activities. Offered fall semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; online as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

BUS 222 Principles of Accounting II - 3 Hours

For students with an emphasis in Accounting. BUS 222 builds on the concepts in BUS 221. The course covers accounting methods for various components of the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows with an emphasis on evaluating financial performance. Prerequisite: BUS 221. Offered spring semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; online as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

BUS 223 Managerial Accounting and Analysis - 3 Hours

For students not emphasizing in accounting. BUS 223 builds on topics from BUS 221 and focuses on the use of accounting information for decision making for management. Topics include cost/volume/profit analysis, forecasting, budgeting, product costing, cost allocation, and performance evaluation. Prerequisite: BUS 221. Offered spring semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; online as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, Florida undergraduate.

BUS 281X Social and Interactive Media Strategies - 3 Hours

An analysis of audience research strategies, conceptualization of message contexts, message design, and content marketing. Brand development and maintenance across various communication channels is examined. Cross listed with COM 281X.

BUS 301 Legal Environment of Organizations - 3 Hours

This course provides a basic understanding of the law as it relates to both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. It studies the legal process, the fundamentals of criminal and tort law, law enforcement, society and the law, contracts, agency, and property and employment law. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 302 Project Management - 3 Hours

This course introduces students to the nature, tasks, and challenges of project management. This includes studying the various phases of project management (project definition, project planning, project execution, project control, and project close-out) and learning the skills that are necessary to navigate each phase successfully. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 303 Topics in Management - 3 Hours

Selected topics as announced. Course may be repeated with different topic. Prerequisite: BUS 101 or BUS 111. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 310 Personal Finance - 3 Hours

This course focuses on equipping students to make informed personal choices in spending, investing, borrowing, savings and giving. Topics include financial goal setting, money management, consumer credit, housing decisions, investments, income tax management, and retirement planning. Open to business and non-business majors. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

BUS 313 Topics in Economics - 3 Hours

Selected topics as announced, including such fields as Public Finance, Labor Economics, and Current Issues. Prerequisites: BUS 207, BUS 208. Offered on demand for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 319 Investments - 3 Hours

Students in this course will learn about investments from the perspective of the individual and the investment manager. Topics covered include financial instruments (stocks, bonds, options, futures), securities markets, portfolio development and diversification, security analysis and valuation, international markets and special considerations such as taxes and inflation. Course participants will be challenged to apply course concepts in a market simulation. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 321 Financial Reporting I - 3 Hours

Study of financial accounting and reporting issues, including the conceptual framework, measure and recognition of income, time value of money, measurement, and valuation methodologies for key components of the balance sheet. Balance sheet topics focus on assets and short-term liabilities, such as receivables, inventories, tangible and intangible assets and contingencies. Prerequisite: BUS 222. Offered fall semester even-numbered years for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 322 Financial Reporting II - 3 Hours

A continuation of BUS 321. The focus is on valuation for long-term liabilities and stockholders' equity, including deferred taxes, pension, leases, long term investment and debt, earning per share, and equity based compensations. Prerequisite: BUS 321. Offered spring semester odd-numbered years for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 323 Individual Income Taxation - 3 Hours

An introduction to principles and procedures, including basic concepts of federal income taxation for individuals. The course reflects individual income tax theory and practical tax research and preparation. The course also reflects current and recent legislative, judicial and administrative changes in the federal income tax code and procedures.

BUS 325 Accounting for Business Combinations and Consolidations - 3 Hours

This course covers the rationale and accounting methodologies for business combinations and for consolidating financial statements with controlling interests. Other inter-corporate accounting issues such as intercompany transactions, foreign currency transactions, and translations are covered. Prerequisites: BUS 221, BUS 222. Offered fall semester in odd-numbered years for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 326 Cost Accounting - 3 Hours

Concepts and application of cost accounting, procedures, reporting and evaluation of such applications. The course views the cost accounting function (process) as an essential and powerful activity in the business environment. Essential to adequately prepare for the uniform CPA and CMA examinations. Prerequisites: BUS 221, BUS 222. Offered fall semester even-numbered years for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 327 Theory and Practice of Auditing - 3 Hours

An introduction to principles and procedures, including basic concepts of the auditing cycle and related activities. Emphasis is placed on the attest function, professional standards and ethics, and sampling techniques. Prerequisites: BUS 221, BUS 222. Offered fall semester even-numbered years for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 328 Quantitative Skills for Managers - 3 Hours

An introduction to the financial and data analysis skills needed by managers. Basic principles of accounting, budgeting, and finance will be covered. Students will learn how to gather, organize, analyze, and present data that are useful for evaluation and decision making in organizations. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 329 Topics in Accounting - 3 Hours

Selected topics as announced. Course may be repeated with different topic. Prerequisites: BUS 221, BUS 222, or permission of instructor. Computer fee may be required for some topics. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 331 Consumer Behavior - 3 Hours

This course focuses on the practical application of social psychological research designed to understand, predict, and influence consumer behavior. Issues covered include persuasion, promotional strategy, sales and marketing planning, personal selling, perception, motivation, nonverbal communication, attitudes, decision-making, learning, compliance, psychographics, and geo-demographics. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, Florida undergraduate.

BUS 332 Topics in Marketing - 3 Hours

Selected topics as announced. Course may be repeated with different topic. Prerequisite: BUS 113, or permission of instructor. Computer fee for some topics. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 333 Sales Principles and Practices - 3 Hours

This skills-based course focuses on the role of ethical professional selling in organizational and interpersonal interactions. Students are exposed to the different steps in the selling cycle including prospecting, needs assessment, presentation, objection handling, and closing. Prerequisite: BUS 113. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate and Florida undergraduate.

BUS 334 Advertising - 3 Hours

Students in this course will be exposed to the key concepts in advertising, including audience and strategy definition, the creative process, media choices, and campaign development. Course content will also cover creative considerations for different media, including broadcast, print, and Web. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate and Florida undergraduate.

BUS 340 Visionary Leadership - 3 Hours

This course introduces students to a comprehensive framework for understanding the nature and tasks of visionary leadership which includes such activities as clarifying one's own values, envisioning the future, fostering teamwork, and recognizing follower contributions. Throughout this course, students will construct a holistic leadership plan for a project of their choice. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 341 Leading Teams - 3 Hours

This course teaches students how to lead effectively within a variety of team settings. This includes studying the characteristics of effective teams, the processes of teamwork, common problems teams face, and solutions for solving team problems. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 346 Organizational Behavior - 3 Hours

Examines the way individuals, groups, and structures impact the functioning of people within organizations. Course topics include job satisfaction, stress, motivation, decision making, team building, leadership, innovation, and organizational communication. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online, and Florida undergraduate.

BUS 350 Topics in Human Resources - 3 Hours

Selected topics as announced. Course may be repeated with different topic. Prerequisite: BUS 115. Offered on demand for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 351 Organizational Development - 3 Hours

This course exposes students to the theory and practice of the discipline of organizational development to affect change. Emphasis is placed on the development of constituency-led changes. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 352 Compensation and Benefits - 3 Hours

Theory and practice of compensation and benefits within the organization. Linking compensation and benefits to strategic goals. Includes performance appraisal, compensation, incentive and benefit practices, and legal/regulatory overview. Prerequisite: BUS 115 or permission of instructor. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate and Florida undergraduate.

BUS 353 Change Management - 3 Hours

This course covers the theory, analysis, and application of intervention methods and procedures to effect change within organizations. Through case studies and other analyses, the class investigates how organizations can bring about successful change, why change is often resisted, and why some organizations' efforts to change fail. Prerequisite: BUS 115 or permission of instructor. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 355 Personnel Evaluation and Coaching - 3 Hours

This course overviews the systematic analysis of employee performance in organizations to identify performance strengths and deficits, to diagnose causes of problems, and to specify solutions. It covers management tools for employee evaluation, such as interviews, self-appraisals, "360 degree feedback," and supervisor ratings for the purposes of job placement, performance appraisal, employee development, awarding merit pay increases, promotion, or employee termination. The course covers internal and external coaching for employee development, for enhancing employee effectiveness, motivation, morale, and productivity, or for intervening with problem employees. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 356 Training and Development - 3 Hours

This course provides an analysis of the relationship of training and development to the practical implementation of organizational goals and strategies. It includes an overview of the principles and practices of training design, teaching techniques, and learning principles used by trainers and supervisors in business, effective training technology, and presentation skills. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 371 Board Governance and Volunteer Management in Nonprofit Organizations - 3 Hours

This course studies the selection, roles, and responsibilities of nonprofit boards. A particular emphasis will be given to understanding the relationship between the organizational executive and the board in addressing managerial challenges. It also addresses the theory and principles of the management of volunteers in a variety of nonprofit settings. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 372X Nonprofit Management - 3 Hours

This course covers the theories and principles unique to managing ministries and not-for-profit social services organizations. Special emphasis is placed on the recruitment and management of volunteers and on effective development and utilization of volunteer boards of directors. Cross-listed with CM 372X. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

BUS 373X Nonprofit Financial Management - 3 Hours

This course covers basic concepts in managing finances for nonprofit organizations. Basic accounting topics covered include budgeting, expense control, and measurement in tax-exempt corporations. In addition, the course covers fundraising practices, including annual funding, capital campaigns, planned giving, special events, and grant proposal approaches and procedures. Ethical implications of fundraising and a survey of laws and regulations are also presented. Cross-listed with CM 373X. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online, and Florida undergraduate.

BUS 376 Nonprofit Marketing - 3 Hours

This course covers the basic processes and practices of marketing as applied to a variety of nonprofit settings. Topics include marketing planning, implementation, and evaluation. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 388 Digital Analytics - 3 Hours

Students in this course will explore the different tools available for evaluating online and digital performance. Topics include text analytics, database analysis, digital analytics, online monitoring, and online behaviors. Emphasis will be on the application of analytic analysis including Search Engine Optimization and website effectiveness. Recommended prerequisite: COM 281. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 390 Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation - 3 Hours

Students in this course will be exposed to concepts in new venture creation for Entrepreneurial, Intrapreneurial, Social, and Non-Profit organizations. Specific concepts will cover idea generation, opportunity recognition, initiative taking, planning, financing, and functional area management. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 391 Entrepreneurial Accounting and Finance - 3 Hours

This course is designed to help students understand key accounting and financial concepts as they relate to start-up ventures. Concepts to be covered include financing options, working capital management, financial statements, and the time value of money. Brief coverage will also be given to personal financial management and to succession and retirement planning. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

BUS 392 Social Entrepreneurship - 3 Hours

This course focuses on preparing students to create and manage organizations that advance social change. Course content will cover the start-up, organization, and financing of enterprises with social purposes. The role of entrepreneurial activity as a means to generate economic growth and to alleviate poverty will also be covered. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

BUS 411 Financial Management - 3 Hours

An overview of the fundamentals of financial administration emphasizing the cost of capital, capital budgeting, cash budgeting, working capital management, and long-term sources and uses of funds. Prerequisites: knowledge of spreadsheet software and BUS 222 and PSY 285X. Offered fall semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; other modes as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, Florida undergraduate, online.

BUS 423 Management Information Systems - 3 Hours

Study of organizational systems that capture information from the major business processes and transaction cycles. The students will learn how various information technologies and business applications such as enterprise business systems, serve as the basis for the functional areas of accounting and business. Students will also learn strategies and solutions for addressing IT related issues within an organization. Offered fall semester, odd-numbered years for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, Florida undergraduate.

BUS 426 Strategic Planning - 3 Hours

Utilizing case studies, students will develop and improve skills in the critical areas of applied organizational research and management of the strategic and operational planning process. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 430 Marketing Research - 4 Hours

This course provides concepts and experience in conducting marketing research projects to solve various business problems. Students will be exposed to key concepts in marketing research including research management, research design, data generation, data analysis and recommendations. Practical experience will be garnered through the team execution of an actual marketing research project. Laboratory is included. Prerequisite or corequisite: PSY 285X or permission of instructor. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 433 Marketing Strategy - 3 Hours

An analysis of the conceptual and theoretical developments related to marketing management and an appraisal of these developments in terms of their ability to facilitate understanding, production, and control of marketing. Application of the theoretical foundations will be made through case studies. Prerequisites: BUS 113 and junior or senior standing. Offered spring semester alternate years for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; other modes as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate and Florida undergraduate.

BUS 440 Seminar in Management Policy - 3 Hours

A capstone course using the case study method to integrate the various disciplines of economics and management. Special emphasis is placed on the development of an analytical framework for building consistent and effective business strategy in domestic and international environments. Prerequisites: BUS 101 or BUS 111, BUS 113, BUS 115, BUS 221, and senior standing. Offered fall semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; online as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

BUS 445 Management Internship - 1-6 Hours

An integration of a business theory with practical experience in an organization. Appropriate internship experiences should provide students with the opportunity to practice, observe, and reflect upon the application of curricular concepts in organizational life. Particular topics for the program will be determined by the job, but must include managerial or related experiences. Before starting a practicum, the student must fill out an internship contract and personally meet with the internship coordinator to discuss academic assignments and expectations. At least 45 hours of work at the internship site must be completed for each hour of academic credit. The course may be repeated for up to twelve total hours of credit. Satisfies the professional experience requirement for business majors. Prerequisites: BUS 101 or BUS 111, BUS 113, BUS 115, BUS 221, permission of instructor, junior or senior standing, and approval of internship coordinator or department chair. Offered each semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 450 Independent Study - 1-4 Hours

Research and specialized studies designed to meet the needs of individual students. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. Offered each semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

BUS 471 Leadership and Organizational Culture - 3 Hours

This course provides students with multiple perspectives on how to define and to analyze organizational culture. In light of this knowledge, students will learn how to adapt their leadership style to a variety of organizational settings and cultures. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 481 Organizational Ethics - 3 Hours

This course examines the nature of ethics and ethical decision making in both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Students will also learn to apply passages and principles from the Bible to organizational case studies. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

BUS 490 Seminar in Business and Management Ethics - 3 Hours

An integration of Christian ethics particularly in the context of business and management situations. Students will be exposed to ethical decision-making considerations and will be challenged to apply them to case studies. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. This course fulfills the IDS 499X Integrative Thought Capstone requirement for students in the Business major. Offered spring semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; online as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.