Christian Ministries (CM)

CM 112 ADVANCE Formation Group - 0 Hours

Advance Formation Group is an intentional weekly experience under the leadership of a faculty member. As an essential part of the Advance Program, it seeks to create an environment of growth in personal spiritual life, relational skills, and ministry skills for the students in this program. Students are enrolled for 4-6 semesters. Regular attendance necessary for credit; only two absences per semester permitted. Credit/No Credit. Offered each semester for Deerfield Advance: Pre-Seminary Student. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

CM 172 Introduction to Ministry - 3 Hours

An introduction to the purposes, challenges, and scope of various types of ministries and ministry programs, with particular focus made in those areas in which we offer emphases. Personal contact and interaction with ministry leaders will seek to enlarge the vision of students for how ministry can be carried out. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, Wisconsin Prison Initiative, and online.

CM 175 Foundations of Youth Ministry - 3 Hours

An exploration of biblical, educational, and philosophical foundations of youth ministry. Current youth culture and developmental needs of adolescents will be examined in light of these foundations. Students will be required to develop a personal theory of ministering to youth through biblical education, personal evangelism, and relational discipleship. Offered spring semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; online as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 181 Spiritual Formation - 3 Hours

This course explores the theoretical and practical aspects of Christian spiritual development. Special attention is given to understanding and participating in the spiritual disciplines - both personal and corporate. Prerequisites: BI 101 and BI 111. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

CM 201 Survey of Christian Education - 3 Hours

An introductory overview of the church's involvement in education, including the history, aims, methods, and principal agencies of Christian Education. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 210 Ministry in its Cultural Context - 3 Hours

An introduction to the theology, purposes, challenges, and scope of various types of ministries in their current cultural context. A particular emphasis is given to understanding philosophical and theological pluralism. Prerequisites: BI 101 and BI 111. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

CM 211 Theology and Practice of Pastoral Ministry - 3 Hours

A study of the theology, qualifications, practices, and vulnerabilities of pastoral ministry. A particular emphasis will be given to discussing how to maintain one's spiritual health despite various challenges and temptations in pastoral ministry. Prerequisites: BI 101 and BI 111. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

CM 215 Foundations of Children's Ministry - 3 Hours

A study of the elements involved in building effective children's and family ministries. In addition to the development of skills in curriculum evaluation, creative programming, and ministry training, students will be exposed to and interact with a variety of local children's ministry models. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 224 Integrated Field Experience - Spiritual Formation - 3 Hours

This course is designed to explore the theoretical foundations for personal growth and ministry issues, including spiritual growth and its application to character development. Students will participate in ministry roles during the semester for a total of 60 hours and additional weekly coursework. This course fulfills one (1) service learning requirement (equivalent to IDS 106) for each semester of enrollment with a grade of C or higher. Offered online as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 225 Integrated Field Experience - Small Group Ministry - 3 Hours

An opportunity for students to be initiated into ministry leadership roles. Emphasis will be placed on discerning spiritual giftedness, sense of personal calling to ministry, individual leadership style, and on theoretical and experiential exploration of methods of small group ministries. Students will participate in Christian ministry roles during the semester for a total of 120 hours (60 hours for online students) and additional weekly coursework. Offered online as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 235 Introduction to Chaplaincy - 3 Hours

This course provides an overview of the nature and history of institutional ministry. Students examine the biblical and theological foundations of chaplaincy and review the various organizations and settings that typically receive chaplain services (e.g., healthcare, military, correctional, workplace, industrial, university, residential facilities, public safety, sports, disaster relief). Additionally, this course explores leadership principles that contribute to success in chaplaincy as well as specialized skills in caregiving, pastoral ministry, and emotional/spiritual counseling support. The objective is to develop a basic understanding of how institutional gospel ministry makes a difference in governmental, non-profit, and corporate communities.

CM 250 Topics in Christian Ministries: - 1-3 Hours

Selected topics in Christian Ministry not taught under specific course title. May be repeated for credit if topic differs. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

CM 260 Introduction to Intercultural Ministry - 3 Hours

An introduction to the challenging opportunities and possibilities of involvement in intercultural ministries with specific emphasis placed on Christian missionary endeavors from historical, theological, and cultural perspectives. Students will be challenged to consider their individual roles in the global community. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 270 Worship: Theology and Practice - 3 Hours

This course explores the biblical theology of worship and survey the implications for planning Christian worship. Aspects covered include: worship in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the early Church; the study of Christian worship through history, with special emphasis on Protestant and evangelical worship; the role of music, prayer, scripture reading, creeds, and preaching in the weekly gathering of Christians. Students compile an extensive bibliography of resources for worship planning, and demonstrate their grasp of the theological principles by writing a series of worship services. Delivery mode: Online.

CM 280 Psychological and Sociological Foundations of Family - 3 Hours

This course draws upon understandings of family from a range of social science perspectives and interacts with the related topics from a Christian integrative perspective. The disciplines of family process, psychology, and sociology reveal strengths and weaknesses that can be observed in healthy and unhealthy examples of this basic unit of society. Students will be challenged to wrestle with societal issues across time and into the present concerning the most intimate of human relationships. Offered online as scheduled. Delivery mode: online.

CM 315 Principles of Family Ministry - 3 Hours

This course centers on the ministry to children and their families. Focus will be on the theological foundations of the family, understanding the current cultural trends, which affect families, and developing effective ministry strategies with contemporary families in the context of local church and parachurch ministries. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 320 Principles of Ministry Programming - 3 Hours

A study of the elements and skills necessary in the design and development of effective programming for discipling ministries. Students are exposed to local ministry models and contemporary ministry principles. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 321 Theology and Practice of Evangelism - 3 Hours

A study of the theology and methodology of evangelism with particular emphasis on the gospel message and the biblical reasons for doing evangelism. Prerequisites: BI 101 and BI 111. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

CM 324 Integrated Field Experience: Discipleship - 3 Hours

An opportunity for students to participate in an intensive and advanced level of ministry leadership for a total of 120 hours for the semester. Emphasis will be placed on developing strategies for facilitating personal effectiveness and maturity as a Christian leader and study of the biblical principles and practical models of Christian discipleship. This course fulfills one (1) service learning requirement (equivalent to IDS 106) for each semester of enrollment with a grade of C or higher. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 325 Integrated Field Experience - Ministry Methods - 3 Hours

Students will participate in an intensive and advanced level of ministry leadership for a total of 120 hours over the course of the semester. Additional coursework will emphasize the development of practical ministry skills for the student's selected area of emphasis. The course fulfills one (1) service learning requirement (equivalent to IDS 106) for each semester of enrollment with a grade of C or higher. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 331 Theology and Practice of Discipleship - 3 Hours

A study of the theology and methodology of discipleship with particular emphasis on mentoring younger Christians in the faith. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

CM 335 Strategies for Discipling Ministries - 3 Hours

A study of biblical principles and practical models of Christian discipleship. Emphasis is on theoretical and experiential exploration of methods of small-group discipling ministries. Delivery mode: online.

CM 340 Principles of Relational Youth Ministry - 3 Hours

A study of effective communication with contemporary adolescents designed to enhance students' understanding and ability to build significant relationships with youth. Specific areas to be addressed include evangelistic contact ministry and paraprofessional counseling in response to adolescent issues. Course should not be taken if CM 342 has already been taken. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

CM 341 Theology and Practice of Leadership - 3 Hours

A study of the theology and methodology of Christian leadership with particular emphasis on a leader's character and the core functions of leadership. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

CM 342 Relational Skills for Ministry - 3 Hours

This theoretical and skill development course will be a study of effective communication within a ministry context. A basis will be established for understanding human communication, contact ministry, crisis management, and paraprofessional counseling. Specific focus will be given to legal issues, opportunities as well as limitations of the minister, and empowering others toward positive life change. Offered spring semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; online as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 345 Ministry Internship - 2-4 Hours

This course is designed to build upon earlier Integrated Field Experiences. Total credits for internships (including all Integrated Field Experiences) may not total more than 7 hours. Offered on demand for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

CM 350 Topics in Christian Education - 1-3 Hours

Selected topics in Christian Education not taught under specific course title. May be repeated for credit if topic differs. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

CM 372X Nonprofit Management - 3 Hours

This course covers the theories and principles unique to managing ministries and not-for-profit social services organizations. Special emphasis is placed on the recruitment and management of volunteers and on effective development and utilization of volunteer boards of directors. Cross-listed with BUS 372X. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 373X Nonprofit Financial Management - 3 Hours

This course covers basic concepts in managing finances for nonprofit organizations. Basic accounting topics covered include budgeting, expense control, and measurement in tax-exempt corporations. In addition, the course covers fundraising practices, including annual funding, capital campaigns, planned giving, special events, and grant proposal approaches and procedures. Ethical implications of fundraising and a survey of laws and regulations are also presented. Cross-listed with BUS 373X. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online, and Florida undergraduate.

CM 375X Foundations of Christian Counseling - 3 Hours

Principles and techniques of counseling in ministry settings with a focus on counselor characteristics, problem-management skills, common counseling problems, multicultural dynamics, and various issues involved in the counseling process. Special emphasis is placed on the unique contribution of biblical truths to counseling. Cross-listed with PSY 375X. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate, Wisconsin Prison Initiative, and Online.

CM 381 Introduction to Preaching - 3 Hours

This course studies the basic development of preaching and sermon techniques to enhance the presentation of truth for evangelism and discipleship. It includes interactive learning and preaching opportunities to apply practical preaching design, Biblical principles, and contemporary applications. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

CM 400 Principles of Adult Ministry - 3 Hours

Designed to help students understand and appreciate the psychological and sociological characteristics of adults and develop a philosophy of adult ministry. Students engage in research and discussion of various phases of adult responsibility, ministry and problems in the local church, society and home. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 420 Ministry Leadership - 2 Hours

This course seeks to integrate the students' ministry experiences with leadership training. Students will focus on understanding the biblical concept of leadership, assessing leadership style and skills, examining principles of team building and team management in discipling ministries. The course also examines issues that leaders commonly confront in churches and organizations. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.

CM 446 Reflective Internship in Christian Ministries - 3 Hours

A capstone course for the Christian Ministries major designed to help students integrate biblically based Christian ministry principles, concepts, and skills and apply them to actual church or parachurch experiences in a mentored ministry context. Case study methodology will be utilized to aid reflection. Prerequisites: (1) BI 101, BI 111, and BI 210 and (2) completion of a four-course concentration in Christian Ministries. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

CM 450 Independent Study - 1-4 Hours

Research and specialized studies designed to meet the needs of individual students. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

CM 480 Christian Ministries Integrative Seminar - 1 Hour

This course, offered in a retreat format, helps students provide closure for their experiences in the Christian Ministries program. Emphasis is placed on integrating the whole of their experiences at Trinity. Open only to CM majors in their last two semesters of coursework at TIU. Prerequisite: Community First Aid and CPR certification or equivalent. This fulfills the IDS 499X Integrative Thought Capstone requirement for students in the Christian Ministries major. Course fee. Offered spring semester for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; online as scheduled. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate, online.