Counseling (CO)
CO 5210 Counseling Skills Training - 2-3 Hours
An experiential and cognitive introduction to the skills basic to any counseling setting, working with a developmental model of helping. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition and use of the basic counselling skills through an experiential participation in the counseling process. Not open to auditors. MA in Mental Health Counseling and MA in Chaplaincy and Ministry Care degrees require that this course be taken for 3 credit hours.
CO 5310 Counseling Strategies: Theory, Treatment, and Technique - 3 Hours
Classical and current theories of counseling will be investigated in light of Scripture, psychological sophistication, and potential application for evidence-based practice and treatment. Strategies will be explored to formulate case conceptualization, build treatment plans, and select in-session helping techniques.
CO 5400 Foundations of Mental Health Counseling - 3 Hours
This is an orientation to the various dimensions of mental health counseling. It provides an overview of the variety of roles offered and functions available to the mental health worker in society and in the church. The central theme to explore is what it means to pursue a professional identity, answer a ministry calling and nurture a Christian theological imagination. This provides a forum to guide Christians who counsel to engage peacefully and ethically with others in a pluralistic culture. Registration limited to MA/MHC students or by departmental permission.
CO 5578 Family and Couple Counseling - 3 Hours
The foundations and various theoretical perspectives of family systems and couple counseling are examined. Attention is also given to specific aspects of couple and family treatment, such as family development, contemporary culture/societal issues, as well as specific presenting problems-infidelity, domestic violence, divorce/remarriage, step-families and personality disorders. Note: MA in CMC/MDiv students in this course will have an alternative assignment to enhance ministry application.
CO 6000 Current Studies in Counseling - 1-3 Hours
Issues of interest related to pastoral counseling and counseling in ministry settings will be presented. Topics vary and are on a rotating basis. They include Spiritual Formation and Counseling, Couples Counseling, Crisis Counseling, Bereavement Counseling, and Pastoral Counseling for Guilt, Shame, and Depression. May be repeated. Offered fall and spring.
CO 6110 Career Counseling - 3 Hours
The many facets of career counseling are explored. The subject will be covered from both theoretical and practical points of view. Holistic awareness of individuals will be considered in regard to how people deal with their vocational needs and goals.
CO 6120 Addiction Counseling - 3 Hours
This course examines the treatment of addictions. The philosophy, mechanisms, and physiology of substance abuse and chemical dependency are surveyed. Students will be exposed to relevant and effective approaches to counsel the person with an addiction. Important topics related to counseling are covered, such as relapse prevention, adolescent substance abuse, dual diagnosis, and family issues.
CO 6130 Group Counseling - 3 Hours
The processes, principles, and techniques related to contemporary forms of group counseling will be explored. An experiential component in this course fosters the development of group leadership skills. Not open to auditors. Prerequisite: CO 5210.
CO 6510 Human Growth and Development - 3 Hours
The theories of individual, family, and personality development across the lifespan will be reviewed. How various aspects (e.g. learning, environmental, cognitive, biological, spiritual) of human development affect human functioning are examined. The course will facilitate a general framework for understanding interventions for differing abilities as well as contemplate strategies that promote resilience and optimum development and wellness across the lifespan.
CO 6530 Child & Adolescent Counseling - 2-3 Hours
A conceptual framework for working with child and adolescent clients will be introduced along with a review of techniques developmentally appropriate for assessment and treatment plan formulation and implementation. Treatment approaches to specific childhood and adolescent mental health disorders will be examined.
CO 6610 Human Sexuality - 3 Hours
This course will deal with the physiological, psychological, and spiritual aspects of human sexuality, with particular emphasis on counseling-related issues.
CO 6640 Gender Issues - 2-3 Hours
Examines and discusses issues that are pertinent to gender. Implications for counseling are emphasized.
CO 6650 Multicultural Issues in Counseling - 3 Hours
This course examines the nature and effects of culture and ethnicity on the counseling process. The effects of worldview on diversity issues in counseling will be discussed with a special reference to a Christian worldview. Counseling issues specific to various minority populations will be addressed through case vignette and lecture.
CO 6710 Counseling and Theological Worldview: Faith and Practice - 3 Hours
This biblical-theological sequence capstone course surveys issues, models, methods and criticisms regarding the interface of empirically-based counseling with a biblically-grounded Christian theology. The course covers current literature on faith-based, spiritually-sensitive clinical approaches to familiarize the student with the process of integration and case studies to facilitate personal skill development in this crucial area.
CO 6720 Ethics & Issues in Counseling - 3 Hours
Ethical standards of the American Counseling Association are evaluated in the context of current mental health practice, professional requirements and legal standards. The major faith-based mental health associations, AACC and CAPS, Codes of Ethics are also considered. Practical applications of ethical guidelines are discussed using case vignettes. Registration limited to MA/MHC students or by departmental permission.
CO 6950 Counseling Practicum - 2-3 Hours
Practicum is designed as a pre-internship fieldwork experience with group supervision on campus. It will provide students with practical supervised experience in various counseling settings. The student will average six to eight hours per week involvement. May be repeated. Prerequisites: MA in MHC Candidacy and consent of CO Department. Cap 6 per section.
CO 6955 Group Leadership Practicum - 2 Hours
Open to students who have demonstrated proficiency in the use of basic counseling skills in the CO 5210 Counseling Skills course. Students are required to be involved in the direct training of CO 5210 students under the supervision of the course professor, to meet outside of class for supervision, and to complete reading and written assignments in the area of group leadership. May be repeated. Consent of the instructor required for registration.
CO 7160 Community Counseling - 2 Hours
Counselors provide consultation services in community settings that extend beyond direct client service. The distinctions between counseling and consultation will be explored, as well as the major models and process stages for implementation. Case studies will be utilized to demonstrate explicit program development applications for educational crisis and system-level interventions, and furthering social objectives. Pastoral and church consultation will be an area of focus.
CO 7210 Assessment and Evaluation - 3 Hours
This course covers the measurement concepts and practice techniques required for the use of standardized and non-standardized assessment tools utilized in diagnosis, treatment planning and evaluation. Procedures for test selection, administration and interpretation are examined for measures of ability, aptitude, personality, and psychopathology. Prerequisite: MA in MHC candidacy or consent of department chair. A $45 materials testing fee is assessed for this course.
CO 7278 Strategies of Marriage & Family Therapy - 3 Hours
An exploration of the specific perceptual, conceptual, and intervention skills of prominent approaches in the field of marriage and family therapy. These approaches include Bowen, Minuchin, Whitaker, Satir, Milan, and Haley. Prerequisite: CO 5578.
CO 7330 Counseling Techniques - 2-3 Hours
A unique combination of theory and practice, the class helps students to enter into the world of counseling practice. Counseling Techniques utilizes contemporary treatment models, along with traditional approaches, to enhance student skills in helping people. Prerequisite: CO 5210.
CO 7450 Psychopathology - 3 Hours
This course is an advanced course dealing with the etiology, classification, and treatment of various mental disorders. Diagnostic skill in using the current DSM classifications and criteria is achieved through the use of case vignettes and lecture. Registration limited to MA/MHC students or by departmental permission.
CO 7501 Guided Research - 1-4 Hours
Independent research on an approved selected topic under a faculty member in the department bearing the course prefix. May be repeated for credit as the subject matter changes. Available in all departments. Letter grade or Credit/No Credit as arranged with faculty member.
CO 7710 Spiritual Direction, Formation and Soul Care - 2 Hours
Counseling as therapeutic dialogue can produce change beyond the remediation of mental health concerns. This course explores how counseling can become a trialogue (counselor/seeker/Holy Spirit) that furthers Christian identity development, sanctification, and the practice of spiritual disciplines. Themes such as spiritual development/direction, integrated interiority, and soul care will be examined. Prerequisite CO 6710.
CO 7900 Research Methods - 3 Hours
An introduction to research design, investigating quantitative, qualitative, mixed-method designs, action research models, and program evaluation. Emphasis is given to evaluating and employing research for use in clinical practice. Students will gain experience in portions of the research process, including designing and reporting. Review of statistics and most relevant statistical tests is included.
CO 7905 Advanced Research Methods - 2 Hours
The topic of the course is more complex research designs and techniques and will include information about statistics and statistical computer packages. Prerequisite: CO 7900. Offered on demand.
CO 7961 Mental Health Counseling Internship I - 2-3 Hours
Internship is designed to give counseling students supervised counseling experience. Approved intern sites include hospital inpatient programs, community counseling agencies, counseling centers, and other mental health facilities. The internship may begin in summer or fall semesters (CO 7961) depending on the site requirements. It must extend through the spring semester (CO 7962). CO 7961 and CO 7962 require a combined total of 900 hours of internship involvement including 360 direct service hours. Individual supervision is provided on site; group supervision is provided on campus. CO 7961 and CO 7962 must be taken consecutively over the course of one academic year and total six semester hours. CO 7961 is offered in summer and fall only. Considered full-time academic status. Prerequisites: CO 6950, MA in MHC candidacy and consent of department. When taken in summer for two semester hours, may be repeated in fall for two semester hours.
CO 7962 Mental Health Counseling Internship II - 2-3 Hours
This is an advanced internship experience building on skills and requirements from CO 7961. CO 7962 is offered in spring only. Considered full-time academic status. Prerequisite CO 7961.
CO 7969 International Counseling Experience - 3 Hours
This course is designed for those primarily invested in returning to an international setting where they have prior exposure, language fluency, and mental health connections. International students, who are not exclusively seeking U.S. licensure, may benefit from a supervised international counseling experience. Individual onsite supervision is required as well as special arrangements with the department. All syllabus requirements for CO 7961/7962 will be applied with flexibility and the application of technology. Full-time academic status. Prerequisites: MA in MHC candidacy and consent of department. May be repeated for credit.
CO 7975 MA/ThM Comp Exam Preparation - 0 Hours
An optional registration status for students preparing for their Major Comprehensive Exam and who are not taking other courses during the semester of preparation. This registration ensures continuity in your TEDS program and defers continuation fees. Available for only two semesters during which student must complete Comprehensive Exams or their academic status in the program will be jeopardized. Counts as quarter-time academic status. Contact the Records Office for registration.
CO 8000 Seminar: Current Issues - 1-4 Hours
Consideration of contemporary issues in professional and ministry counseling. Recent titles include the following: Clinical Consulting, Grief Therapy, and Diagnosis and Treatment Planning. Prerequisites: degree candidacy or consent of department chair. May be repeated.
CO 8980 ThM Major Research Paper - 0-1 Hours
ThM participants completing the two capstone research paper option must register for - 8980 in their department concurrent with registration for the advanced elective course in which they are writing a ThM capstone research paper. Paper parameters are found in the Academic Handbook and paper objectives are specifically articulated in consultation with the faculty member on the online Capstone Proposal Form. Registration occurs twice at the same time as registration for the course, once for each paper. 177 Credit / No Credit. (Both the course and the paper must be graded 'C'- or better to receive credit for the paper.
CO 8985 ThM Thesis - 0-3 Hours
ThM thesis writers register for - 8985 in the department of their concentration. Prerequisite: Approved thesis proposal on file in the Dean's Office and other department-specific prerequisites. Counts as fulltime academic status. (35 hours of academic work per week.) Letter grade or Credit / No Credit as arranged with the department.
CO 8986 ThM Thesis Extension - 0 Hours
A total of three semesters extension for - 8986 may be granted when progress is being made on the thesis. Extension fee when not enrolled in other courses. Counts as full-time academic status for the first semester, quarter time thereafter. No Credit.