Homiletics (HM)

HM 6200 Theology and Methodology of Biblical Preaching - 2 Hours

This course lays the biblical and theological foundations for preaching and develops preaching skills with an emphasis on faithfulness, contextualization, clarity, and spiritual power. Successful students are able to defend a biblical theology of preaching and craft biblically faithful sermons and have learned strategies to overcome common pitfalls in preaching. Students expound two preaching portions, one from a New Testament epistle and one from an Old Testament text. Students receive constructive feedback from a professor and peers. Must register for HM 6201 in same semester. Offered Quad A.

HM 6201 Preaching Lab - 0-2 Hours

Lab sessions-must be taken concurrently with HM 6200. Offered Quad B.

HM 7215 Preaching with Genre Sensitivity - 2 Hours

This course considers preaching biblical texts with genre-sensitivity. Students learn the hermeneutical and homiletical demands of narrative, poetic, and prophetic genres and are given the opportunity to prepare and deliver sermons from narrative, poetic, or prophetic texts. Prerequisite: HM 6200.

HM 7220 Preaching and Pastoral Issues - 2 Hours

This course exposes students to preaching settings that demand unique pastoral wisdom and affect sermonic preparation and delivery. Students learn the unique nuances of preaching in scenarios such as, but not limited to, funerals and weddings, evangelistic gatherings, and crises that shake one's community. Students have the opportunity to prepare and deliver sermons in these circumstances. Prerequisite: HM 6200.

HM 7316 Preaching and Systematic Theology - 2 Hours

This course provides a teaching practice and laboratory to give students tools, models, and opportunities integrating the disciplines of Systematic Theology and preaching.

HM 7410 Learning from Minoritized Preaching Traditions - 2 Hours

This course examines non-majority culture preaching traditions in the U.S. context. Students engage with preaching theories and sermons from these traditions in order to learn from and reflect on their own traditions and contexts. As a result, students consider how they can read and preach biblical texts in faithful and contextually meaningful ways. Students are given the opportunity to prepare sermons for a particular ministry context. Special attention is given to African American, Asian American, and Latin homiletical traditions. Prerequisite: HM 6200.

HM 7501 Guided Research - 1-4 Hours

Independent research on an approved selected topic under a faculty member in the department bearing the course prefix. May be repeated for credit as the subject matter changes. Available in all departments. Letter grade or Credit/No Credit as arranged with faculty member.

HM 8000 Seminar: Current Issues - 1-3 Hours

Seminar discussion and advanced individual research on topics dealing with significant issues in homiletics and sermon delivery. Pre- or corequisite HM 6200.