Doctor of Ministry (MN)

MN 9150 Interdisciplinary Courses - 3 Hours

Courses that provide insights from various disciplines in social sciences.

MN 9157 Thriving Immigrant Churches Workshop - 3 Hours

Wrap-Around Course: Embedded in two TICI gatherings in April and October and guided by a TEDS faculty member; students will have multiple opportunities to interact and collaborate with leaders from other immigrant churches to learn from one another. Students will attend only one TICI gathering either in April or October.

MN 9200 Strategic Leadership Courses - 3 Hours

Courses that equip students to lead teams, craft vision, design strategy, engage culture, navigate change, and develop other leaders.

MN 9207 Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Immigrant Church - 3 Hours

This course explores challenges and opportunities that are unique to immigrant churches. With increased awareness and understanding of what immigrant churches face from diverse perspectives, students will develop and implement creative strategies to overcome difficulties and maximize the opportunities for their congregations.

MN 9300 Pastoral Ministry and Care Course - 3 Hours

Courses here equip pastors to proclaim Biblical truth, provide care, create support structures, and engage crisis situations with confidence and grace.

MN 9307 Developing a Healthy Congregational Culture - 3 Hours

This course will explore a topic that is critical in the life of the church and yet is often overlooked: the formation of a congregational culture. Congregational culture impacts the shaping of the identity, mission, and spiritual formation of all local churches. Students will particularly focus on the immigrant church context and seek to understand what congregational culture is, why it is so essential in the formation of a healthy church, and how it can be reshaped.

MN 9400 Missional Engagement Courses - 3 Hours

Courses focus on understanding post-Christian culture and doing ministry in environments where a plurality of world views and faith systems are prevalent.

MN 9407 Shaping an Immigrant Congregation to be Healthy & Missional - 3 Hours

This course will explore ways to help immigrant churches move out of their ethnic enclaves and become effective agents for the gospel in a pluralistic world. Students will discuss the task of guiding immigrant church members to be more missional and Kingdom-minded and will explore ways to encourage immigrant church members to make healthy contributions as people of God in their surroundings and beyond.

MN 9550 Missional Leadership in Today's Church - 3 Hours

This foundational course, taken as the first course in your program, provides an overview of the DMin Program, addresses the issues facing pastors and leaders in today's changing culture, and helps students begin to shape their Major Research Project proposal.

MN 9600 Biblical Studies Courses - 3 Hours

Courses that focus on analyzing and applying a particular book or genre of the Bible.

MN 9700 Theological Studies Courses - 3 Hours

Courses that examine themes about the nature of God and His work and reflect on their relevance to spiritual life and ministry.

MN 9800 Spiritual Formation Courses - 3 Hours

These courses address the spiritual practices essential for developing a culture of spiritual growth in the life of the church.

MN 9990 Research Methods - 3 Hours

Taken midway through the program, this course prepares students to design and implement a research project that addresses a problem or goal in the area of ministry where they are currently serving. Upon finishing the course, students secure their two readers and submit their proposal for approval.

MN 9991 Major Project Research - 1-3 Hours

Students implement their proposal from MN 9990, performing the research and writing the report to be submitted as their Major Project paper. May be repeated for up to 6 credit hours. Credit/No Credit.

MN 9992 Major Project Extension - 0 Hours

This extension code is used when a student is in the major project phase and has completed six credit hours of MN 9991 but needs more time to complete their major project.