Old Testament (OT)

OT 5000 Introduction to the Old Testament - 4 Hours

An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament, the history of Israel, critical issues of Old Testament formation, method in Old Testament study, and the theology of the Old Testament. This course meets the OT General Comprehensive requirement for MA students and the English Bible competency requirement for MDiv students, who must meet the SBCT requirement. Not for credit in the MA/NT or MA/OT programs. Elective credit in MDiv program. Auditors are not permitted in General Comp courses unless they have taken previous undergraduate course work in the subject or are not intending to complete the MA program. Offered fall.

OT 5001 Introduction to the Old Testament 1 - 2 Hours

An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament, the history of Israel, critical issues of Old Testament formation, methods in Old Testament study, and the theology of the Old Testament. The course covers the books of Genesis through Esther. This course meets the OT General Comprehensive requirement for MA students and the English Bible competency requirement for MDiv students, who must meet the SBCT requirement. Not for credit in the MA/NT or MA/OT programs. Elective credit in MDiv program. Auditors are not permitted in General Competency courses unless they have taken previous undergraduate course work in the subject or are not intending to complete the MA program.

OT 5002 Introduction to the Old Testament 2 - 2 Hours

An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament, the history of Israel, critical issues of Old Testament formation, methods in Old Testament study, and the theology of the Old Testament. The course covers the books of Job through Malachi. This course meets the OT General Comprehensive requirement for MA students and the English Bible competency requirement for MDiv students, who must meet the SBCT requirement. Not for credit in the MA/NT or MA/OT programs. Elective credit in MDiv program. Auditors are not permitted in General Competency courses unless they have taken previous undergraduate course work in the subject or are not intending to complete the MA program.

OT 5050 Geography of Bible Lands - 2 Hours

Examination of the geography of Bible lands, including an analysis of the physical topography of natural regions and ancient sites, an assessment of political and territorial subdivisions, and a diachronic unfolding of those events that have transpired in the land that lend themselves to geographic explanation. The course will suggest and illustrate how some large blocks of biblical material, as well as several entire canonical books, can be significantly nuanced with historical and theological texture as a result of discerning the spatial dimensions embedded in the text.

OT 5075 Biblical Archaeology - 2 Hours

The relationship between archaeological data and the Old Testament is investigated with special interest in current problems in the field of biblical archaeology, such as the origins of Israel and the United Monarchy. The science of archaeology, fieldwork, and research methods are introduced.

OT 5100 English Bible - 2 Hours

Demonstration of inductive Bible study method and treatment of the special teaching of a particular book or books of the Old Testament based on the English text. May be repeated for credit as the book studied changes. Not for credit in the MA/NT or MA/OT programs.

OT 5131 Elementary Hebrew 1 - 2 Hours

Essentials of biblical Hebrew grammar with emphasis on morphology and phonology of nominal forms, as well as vocabulary. OT 5131, OT 5132, and OT 5133 are taught as a sequence. Students must register for the same section all three sessions. May not be audited unless already taken for credit at Trinity.

OT 5132 Elementary Hebrew 2 - 2 Hours

Further consideration of Hebrew grammar and vocabulary with a focus on the Hebrew verb. Designed to prepare the advancing Hebrew student for consideration of Hebrew syntax and the reading of selected texts. OT 5131, OT 5132, and OT 5133 are taught as a sequence. Students must register for the same section all three sessions. May not be audited unless already taken for credit at Trinity. Prerequisite: OT 5131 passed with a C- or better.

OT 5133 Elementary Hebrew 3 - 2 Hours

Continued study of Hebrew grammar and vocabulary with a focus on Hebrew syntax. Designed to prepare the advancing Hebrew student for exegetical study by more advanced consideration of Hebrew syntax and reading of selected texts. OT 5131, OT 5132, and OT 5122 are taught as a sequence. Students must register for the same section all three sessions. May not be audited unless already taken for credit at Trinity. Prerequisite: OT 5132 passed with a C- or better.

OT 5251 Hebrew Exegesis 1 - 2 Hours

Students learn how to use biblical Hebrew for exegetical study of Old Testament texts. Using the book of Jonah as a case study, attention is given to semantics, as well as syntax and structure. Students are equipped to move from observation and analysis to synthesis and exposition. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5133 passed with a C- or better.

OT 5252 Hebrew Exegesis 2 - 2 Hours

As a continuation of OT 5251 students learn how to use biblical Hebrew for exegetical study of the Old Testament by exploring selected texts. Attention is given to semantics, as well as syntax and structure. Students are equipped to move from observation and analysis to synthesis and exposition. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5251 passed with a C- or better.

OT 6000 Current Studies in Old Testament - 1-4 Hours

Topics selected deal with significant issues related to Old Testament studies. May be repeated for credit.

OT 6261 Interpreting the Pentateuch - 2 Hours

Building on OT 5251 and OT 5252, students develop exegetical competence in the Pentateuch (Genesis through Deuteronomy). Students apply learned exegetical methodology to various genres within these books. Working in selected narrative and legal texts, students examine key structural, contextual, thematic, critical, and theological issues. May not be audited. Prerequisites: OT 5252, OT 5001, and OT 5002 with a grade of C- or better) or passing the OT portion of the Standard Bible Content Test.

OT 6262 Interpreting the Former Prophets - 2 Hours

Building on OT 5251 and OT 5252, students develop exegetical competence in the Former Prophets (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings). Students apply learned exegetical methodology to various genres within these books. Working in selected narrative and poetic texts, students examine key structural, contextual, thematic, critical, and theological issues. May not be audited. Prerequisites: OT 5252, OT 5001, and OT 5002 with a grade of C- or better or passing the OT portion of the Standard Bible Content Test.

OT 6263 Interpreting the Latter Prophets - 2 Hours

Utilizing skills acquired in OT 5251 and OT 5252, students further develop exegetical competence in the Hebrew text of the Latter Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the Twelve, and Daniel). The course advances the student's understanding of Hebrew poetry and its forms and techniques. Working in selected poetic and narrative texts, students examine key structural, contextual, thematic, critical, and theological issues. Students apply learned exegetical methodology to various genres within these books. May not be audited. Prerequisites: OT 5252, OT 5001, and OT 5002 with a grade of C-or better or passing the OT portion of the Standard Bible Content Test.

OT 6264 Interpreting the Writings - 2 Hours

Culminating on the skills attained in OT 5251 and OT 5252, students cultivate increased exegetical competence in the Hebrew text of the poetic and wisdom books (Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations) and post-exilic narratives Ezra/Nehemiah, Esther, Chronicles). Advanced consideration of Hebrew poetry facilitates work in selected poetic and narrative texts. Students examine key structural, contextual, thematic, critical, and theological issues. Students apply learned exegetical methodology to various genres within these books. May not be audited. Prerequisites: OT 5251, OT 5252, OT 5001, and OT 5002 with a grade of C- or passing the OT portion of the Standard Bible Content Test.

OT 7477 MA Major Comprehensive Exam - 0-1 Hours

A department-specific Major Comprehensive Exam required in some MA programs. Registration should be completed at the beginning of the semester for the regularly scheduled exam date later that semester. Credit is posted when the Exam is passed; No Credit if the Exam is failed or not completed.

OT 7485 MA Thesis - 0-2 Hours

MA thesis writers register for OT 7485 in the department of their concentration. Prerequisite: Approved thesis proposal on file in the Dean's Office and other department-specific prerequisites. Counts as full-time academic status. (35 hours of academic work per week.) Letter grade or Credit / No Credit as arranged with the department. No grade is posted for this course until the thesis is completed and approved.

OT 7486 MA Thesis Extension - 0 Hours

A total of three semesters extension for OT 7485 may be granted when progress is being made on the thesis. Extension fee when not enrolled in other courses. Counts as full-time academic status (35 hours of academic work per week.) for the first semester, quarter time thereafter.CR is posted when substantive thesis progress is made, NC when inadequate progress is made.

OT 7501 Guided Research - 1-4 Hours

Independent research on an approved selected topic under a faculty member in the department bearing the course prefix. May be repeated for credit as the subject matter changes. Available in all departments. Letter grade or Credit / No Credit as arranged with faculty member.

OT 7510 Hebrew Reading Skills - 2 Hours

Guided reading in selected passages to develop facility with Hebrew vocabulary and modes of expression, provide continued review of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics, and improve reading comprehension. May be repeated for credit. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5133.

OT 7513 Old Testament Theology - 2 Hours

A study of the approaches to the theology of the Old Testament in the last century in an effort to engage critically with recent proposals and develop skills for reading the Old Testament theologically.

OT 7514 Ancient Near Eastern Religions - 2 Hours

A comparative study of religions of the ancient Near East, with special treatment of Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Levantine, and Israelite traditions. Various religious studies methodologies are introduced and sources for studying Ancient Near Eastern religions are examined. Topics are studied comparatively with the Israelite traditions, such as cosmology, temples, priests, popular religion, and death/after-life.

OT 7515 History of Israel - 2 Hours

An investigation of the study of the history of Israel from the origins of the nation to the end of the period of the Hebrew Bible.

OT 7516 History of the Ancient Near East - 2 Hours

An orientation into the world of the ancient Near East which surveys the social, economic, and political history of that region with emphasis on its relation to the Old Testament. Integrated with this material are geography, archaeology, and the study of institutions as these contribute to an understanding of ancient Near Eastern history.

OT 7517 Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible - 2 Hours

A study of select readings from the Dead Sea Scrolls in Hebrew alongside the archaeological finds from Qumran and first century Palestine. Particular attention is given to the contributions that this corpus makes to biblical studies, textual criticism, and the beliefs and practices of intertestamental and New Testament Judaism, as well a early Christianity. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 7610 Biblical Aramaic 1 - 2 Hours

Reading of the Aramaic portions of Daniel 2-7 and comparison of Aramaic phonology, morphology, and syntax with Hebrew. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 7611 Biblical Aramaic 2 - 2 Hours

Reading of the Aramaic portions of Ezra 4-7 and comparison of Aramaic phonology, morphology, and syntax with Hebrew. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5252, OT 7610.

OT 7614 Extrabiblical Aramaic - 2 Hours

Reading of Aramaic papyri and inscriptions from the first seven centuries of the first millennium B.C., as well as selected Aramaic Targums. Comparison of phonology, morphology, and syntax with biblical Aramaic. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 7620 Akkadian 1 - 2 Hours

Introduction to the Sumero-Akkadian cuneiform script of ancient Babylonia and Assyria and inductive study of the essentials of the grammar. Reading of selections from the Code of Hammurabi, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Babylonian Creation Epic, and the Neo-Assyrian royal inscription, with comparisons to the Hebrew Bible. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 7621 Akkadian 2 - 2 Hours

Continuation of OT 7620. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 7620.

OT 7622 Akkadian 3 - 2 Hours

Continuation of OT 7621. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 7621.

OT 7630 Ugaritic 1 - 2 Hours

Guided reading in selected Ugaritic texts. Study of Ugaritic vocabulary, morphology, and syntax. Linguistic comparison of the language and texts with reference to points of contact with the Hebrew Bible. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 7631 Ugaritic 2 - 2 Hours

Guided reading in selected Ugaritic texts. Study of Ugaritic vocabulary, morphology, and syntax. Linguistic comparison of the language and texts with reference to points of contact with the Hebrew Bible. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5252 and OT 7630.

OT 7640 Syriac 1 - 2 Hours

Introduction to Syriac grammar with limited reading of the Peshitta text of the Old Testament. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 7641 Syriac 2 - 2 Hours

Continued study of Syriac grammar and reading of the Peshitta text of the Old Testament. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5252, OT 7640.

OT 7655 West Semitic Inscriptions - 2 Hours

A study of selected extra-biblical Hebrew, Moabite, Philistine, Ammonite, and Phoenician inscriptions according to their epigraphic contexts. Particular attention will be given to issues of genre, culture, religion, and history as related to the Hebrew Bible. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 7680 Literature of the Ancient Near East - 2 Hours

A study of literature from the Ancient Near Eastern world with special emphasis on literature that is important for reading the Old Testament in its context. The course includes an informed reading in translation of selected texts in representative genres of literature from the various Ancient Near Eastern cultures. The student develops a methodology for sound comparison with the corresponding biblical genres.

OT 7975 MA/ThM Comp Exam Prep - 0 Hours

An optional registration status for students preparing for their Major Comprehensive Exam and who are not taking other courses during the semester of preparation. This registration ensures continuity in your TEDS program and defers continuation fees. Available for only two semesters during which student must complete Comprehensive Exams or their academic status in the program will be jeopardized. Counts as quarter-time academic status. Contact the Records Office for registration.

OT 7976 MA or ThM Thesis Proposal Prep - 0 Hours

An optional registration status for students preparing for their Thesis Proposal and who are not taking other courses during the semester of preparation. (May not be taken when another course is taken.) This registration ensures continuity in your TEDS program and defers continuation fees. Available for only one semester during which students must complete their Proposal or their academic status in the program will be jeopardized. Counts as quarter-time academic status.

OT 7977 ThM Comprehensive Exam - 0-1 Hours

A department-specific Major Comprehensive Exam required in some ThM concentrations. Registration should be completed at the beginning of the semester for the regularly scheduled exam date later that semester. Credit is posted when the Exam is passed; No Credit if the Exam is failed or not completed.

OT 7980 MA Major Research Paper - 0-1 Hours

MA/BL participants completing the two capstone research paper option must register for 7980 in their department concurrent with registration for the advanced elective course in which they are writing a MA capstone research paper (MA/BL). Paper parameters are found in the Academic Handbook and paper objectives are specifically articulated in consultation with the faculty member on the online Capstone Proposal Form. Registration occurs twice at the same time as registration for the course, once for each paper. Credit/No Credit. (Both the course and the paper must be graded C- or better to receive credit for the paper.)

OT 8000 Seminar: Current Issues - 2-3 Hours

Topics chosen deal with significant issues in Old Testament content, history, introduction, and/or interpretation, and seminar discussion and presentation of advanced research papers. May not be audited. Prerequisites determined by seminar topic.

OT 8210 Hebrew Exegesis: Genesis - 2-3 Hours

Consideration of the historical, historical-critical, interpretative, and theological issues in Genesis in the context of careful exegesis of selected passages. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 8230 Hebrew Exegesis: Psalms - 2-3 Hours

Overview of the Psalter's structure, major genres, themes, theology, and exegesis of representative psalms. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 8250 Hebrew Exegesis: Isaiah - 2-3 Hours

A textual-linguistic study of selected portions of the Hebrew text of Isaiah. May not be audited. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 8720 Hebrew Exegesis: Select Book - 2-3 Hours

Exegesis of selected texts with special attention to relevant theological issues. Attention to the book's structure, central themes, and historical, cultural, and literary contexts may also be included. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 8723 Old Testament Textual Criticism - 2-3 Hours

Introduction to the textual critical study of the Old Testament and its relationship to other areas of Old Testament study. Consideration is given to the goals and methodology of Old Testament textual criticism and the ancient versions as translations. Analysis of selected texts, comparing the readings of the Masoretic Text with selected ancient versions. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 8729 Advanced Hebrew Studies: - 2-3 Hours

Study of linguistic, methodological, and historical issues related to the Hebrew language. Course titles include Advanced Hebrew Syntax, Historical Hebrew Grammar, Hebrew Lexicography and Semantics, and Postbiblical Hebrew. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: OT 5252.

OT 8950 Old Testament Research and Methods - 2 Hours

The course provides an introduction to critical issues, secondary literature, and methods for advanced biblical and theological study of the Old Testament and its world. The course prepares students for the research and writing of a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation pertaining to Old Testament literature and history, as well as that of its Ancient Near Eastern milieu. Prerequisite: OT 5252. May not be audited.

OT 8980 ThM Major Research Paper - 0-1 Hours

ThM participants completing the two capstone research paper option must register for OT 8980 in their department concurrent with registration for the advanced elective course in which they are writing a ThM capstone research paper. Paper parameters are found in the Academic Handbook and paper objectives are specifically articulated in consultation with the faculty member on the online Capstone Proposal Form. Registration occurs twice at the same time as registration for the course, once for each paper. Credit / No Credit. (Both the course and the paper must be graded 'C'- or better to receive credit for the paper.)

OT 8985 ThM Thesis - 0-2 Hours

ThM thesis writers register for OT 8985 in the department of their concentration. Prerequisite: Approved thesis proposal on file in the Dean's Office and other department-specific prerequisites. Counts as full-time academic status. (35 hours of academic work per week.) Letter grade or Credit / No Credit as arranged with the department.

OT 8986 ThM Thesis Extension - 0 Hours

A total of three semesters extension for OT 8986 may be granted when progress is being made on the thesis. Extension fee when not enrolled in other courses. Counts as full-time academic status for the first semester, quarter time thereafter. No Credit.

OT 9001 Guided Research - 1-3 Hours

Selected topics usually extended from foundational studies in seminars or courses. Available in all PhD programs. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve hours in PhD/EDS and PhD/ICS programs; may be repeated for a maximum of six hours in the PhD/THS program. Letter grade or Credit / No Credit.

OT 9011 Private Study - 0 Hours

In special circumstances, a student may register for one or more semesters of Private Study in order to meet the requirements for candidacy. Only for PhD/THS students in CH, NT, OT, ST departments. Counts as full-time student status when registrant affirms that a minimum of thirty-five hours per week (half-time is 15 hours per week) are invested in doctoral study and the requisite form has been completed at the time of registration in the Academic Doctoral Office. May be repeated four times. No Credit.

OT 9890 Professional Development Practicum - 0-2 Hours

Participants design, conduct, and evaluate at least one professional development activity. Program participants may repeat the course multiple times, not to exceed a total of 2 hours over the course of the degree program. These integrative and generative activities could take the form of teaching, consulting, developing curriculum, coaching, pastoral ministries, grant writing, etc. Participants may propose non-Trinity or Trinity-related activities and opportunities. Each student is responsible to initiate conversations toward PDP planning with their program director prior to the semester in which the practicum will be conducted. All activities must be conducted after program matriculation. One credit hour is equivalent to approximately 35-40 hours of invested practicum work. Credit/No credit.

OT 9975 Comprehensive Exam Preparation - 0-3 Hours

An independent study facilitating student preparation for the comprehensive examination. PhD/EDS and PhD/ICS program participants may repeat the course twice for a total of three hours. PhD/THS program participants may repeat it once. Only PhD/THS program participants in the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern History, Archaeology, and Languages Focus or with an EDS or ICS minor may take it for zero credit hours. Counts as full-time student status when enrolled for 3 hours or when registrant affirms that a minimum of thirty-five hours per week are invested in comprehensive exam preparation and the requisite form has been completed at the time of registration in the Academic Doctoral Office. Counts as half-time student status when enrolled for 2 hours or when registrant affirms that a minimum of fifteen hours per week are invested in comprehensive exam preparation and the requisite form has been completed at the time of registration in the Academic Doctoral Office. Credit / No Credit.

OT 9990 Dissertation Proposal Prep - 0-3 Hours

An independent study facilitating student preparation for the dissertation proposal. Only PhD/EDS and PhD/ICS program participants may repeat this course twice for a total of 3 hours. PhD/THS program participants may repeat this course once for a total of 3 hours. Only PhD/THS program participants in the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern History, Archaeology, and Languages Focus or with an EDS or ICS minor may take it for zero credit hours. Counts as full-time student status when enrolled for 3 hours or when registrant affirms that a minimum of thirty-five hours per week are invested in dissertation proposal preparation and the requisite form has been completed at the time of registration in the Academic Doctoral Office. Counts as half-time student status when enrolled for 2 hours or when registrant affirms that a minimum of fifteen hours per week are invested in dissertation proposal preparation and the requisite form has been completed at the time of registration in the Academic Doctoral Office. Credit / No Credit.

OT 9991 Dissertation Research - 1-4 Hours

Courses taken for dissertation writing that embodies the results of original research and makes a genuine contribution to knowledge in the field of concentration. PhD students are eligible to register for Dissertation Research after the official acceptance of the proposal, and may register for two to six semesters totaling 6 hours. Counts as full-time student status when enrolled for 3 hours or when registrant affirms that a minimum of thirty-five hours per week are invested on the dissertation and the requisite form has been completed at the time of registration in the Academic Doctoral Office. Counts as half-time student status when enrolled for 2 hours or when registrant affirms that a minimum of fifteen hours per week are invested on the dissertation and the requisite form has been completed at the time of registration in the Academic Doctoral Office. Credit / No Credit.

OT 9992 Dissertation Extension - 0 Hours

One or more dissertation extension courses for the writing of the dissertation. Registrants for this course will be assessed a continuation fee. Less than half-time student status. No Credit.