Preparation for College Studies (PCS)

PCS 106 Preparation for College Study - 3 Hours

This course is designed to prepare freshmen students to meet the challenges of college study. It provides an overview of the intellectual demands of college education, assists students in assessing their personal learning attributes and improving their practical academic skills, and introduces elements of critical analysis. Required for all Deerfield traditional undergraduate students whose ACT English score is 16 or less and whose SAT verbal score is 400 or less; Florida undergraduates will be placed in the program based on the advice of the Admissions Committee. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

PCS 107 Preparation for College Study,Nonnative - 3 Hours

This course is designed to prepare international students and nonnative speakers of English to meet the educational and cultural demands of the American college classroom. The course provides insight into cultural factors that underlie assumptions and knowledge, methods of instruction, interaction with instructors, and other areas that affect academic performance. Stress is placed on assisting students to produce academic work that conforms to American collegiate standards. This course is required for international students and students whose native language is not English. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

PCS 108 Critical Reading and Writing for College - 3 Hours

This course is designed to help students practice the critical skills in reading that are central to academic writing and discussion. The course provides students the opportunity to read, discuss, apply, integrate, and critique material from various academic disciplines, and offers instruction in committing their thoughts to writing. Required for entry into ENG 111 for all Deerfield traditional undergraduate students whose ACT English score is 18 or less or whose SAT verbal score is 410 or less. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate, and Wisconsin Prison Initiative.

PCS 109 Reading and Writing Tutorial - 3 Hours

This course integrates the reading and writing processes in an intensive, small-group setting. Particular emphasis is placed on continuing the development of critical skills and planning and writing papers that respond to collegiate requirements. For Deerfield traditional undergraduate students, this course continues the work of PCS 106 or PCS 107; students enrolled in PCS 109 must be concurrently enrolled in ENG 111 immediately following the completion of PCS 106 or PCS 107 with a grade of C- or higher. Florida undergraduate students may take this course concurrently with ENG 111. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.