Political Science (POL)

POL 250 American Government - 3 Hours

This course surveys the structure, function, and principles of federal, state, and local government. National and state constitutional principles are specifically considered. Special attention is also paid to the historical development of governmental institutions in America. Delivery mode: online, Florida undergraduate.

POL 255X Constitutional Law - 3 Hours

An examination of the American constitutional system with special emphasis given to the role of judicial institutions and the impact of Supreme Court decisions. Offered spring semester even years for Deerfield traditional undergraduate; other modes as scheduled. Cross listed with CRJ 255X. Delivery mode: Florida undergraduate.

POL 350 Topics in Political Science - 3 Hours

A seminar focusing on a selected topic in political science. May be repeated for credit if topic varies. Offered on demand for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

POL 375 Topics in Law and Government - 3 Hours

A seminar focus on a selected topic such as church and state relations or the First Amendment and American democracy. May be repeated for credit if topic varies. Offered on demand for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

POL 445 Internship - 2-4 Hours

Practical, supervised field experience in law, government, or public service. Offered on demand for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.

POL 450 Independent Study - 1-4 Hours

Research and specialized studies designed to meet the need of individual students. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Offered on demand for Deerfield traditional undergraduate. Delivery mode: Deerfield traditional undergraduate.