Philosophical Theology and Apologetics (PR)
PR 6000 Current Studies in Philosophy of Religion - 1-4 Hours
Topics selected deal with significant issues related to philosophy of religion.
PR 6410 History of Phil of Religion 1 - 2 Hours
This course covers ancient and medieval philosophy of religion and ends with discussion of the rationalists Descartes, Spinoza, and, Leibniz.
PR 6411 History of Phil of Religion 2 - 2 Hours
This course begins with study in the early modern period with the empiricists (Locke, Berkekey, and Hume) and continues with an examination of the contemporary period.
PR 7330 Philosophers of Religion and of Religious Significance - 2-3 Hours
In-depth consideration of the philosophy of an important religious thinker such as Augustine, Aquinas, Kierkegaard, Tillich, and Hartshorne, or of an important nonreligious thinker such as Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Russell, or Wittgenstein, whose thought strongly influenced religious and theological issues. May be repeated for credit.
PR 7501 Guided Research - 1-4 Hours
Independent research on an approved selected topic under a faculty member in the department bearing the course prefix. May be repeated for credit as the subject matter changes. Available in all departments. Letter grade or Credit / No Credit as arranged with faculty member.
PR 7705 Religious Epistemology - 2-3 Hours
Examination of the ways of knowing and tests for truth with special emphasis on the problems of religious knowledge and their implications for theological issues.
PR 7715 Theism - 2-3 Hours
Study in the existence and nature of God with emphasis on theistic arguments (ontological, cosmological, teleological, and moral) and on the internal coherence of such divine attributes as necessity, omnipotence, and omniscience.
PR 7750 Philosophical Issues in Religious Pluralism - 2-3 Hours
Consideration of the major epistemological and metaphysical issues for philosophy of religion arising from the discussions on religious diversity and religious pluralism. The views of influential philosophers such as John Hick, William Alston, Keith Ward, and others are examined, as well as responses to their work.
PR 8000 Seminar: Current Issues - 2-4 Hours
Analyses of selected issues in philosophy of religion and their implications for Christian thought. Examples include the following: questions concerning the concept of God, the nature and possibility of the miraculous, freedom and determinism, religion and science, phenomenology, and the historicity of the resurrection of Christ.