Second Bachelor's Degree

Often individuals wish to obtain additional education after earning their bachelor's degree. This may take the form of continuing education (non-credit) or they may pursue a graduate degree in the same field as the bachelor's degree or in a new field. On occasion, a person may determine that a second bachelor's degree is preferable to graduate or non-credit education. For individuals in this situation, Trinity College offers the option of earning a second bachelor's degree.

Applicants who already hold a regionally accredited bachelor's degree may pursue and, if all degree requirements are met, earn a second bachelor's degree from Trinity. To earn a second bachelor's degree, students who already have a bachelor's degree (from Trinity or another institution) must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Meet all the requirements of the new major via new coursework or transfer credit.
  • Take a minimum of 30 credit hours of new coursework at Trinity that is not counted for any other degree.  
  • Fulfill the general education requirements. All candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree at Trinity College must take IDS 180 One Mission, Many Stories at Trinity. General education requirements, with the exception of the "Thinking and Living Biblically in the World" category, are considered fulfilled by a previous Bachelor of Arts degree, or by an associate's degree as outlined elsewhere in this catalog. Applicable general education and elective credits that meet current Trinity degree requirements may be transferred, subject to transfer credit policies delineated elsewhere in this catalog.  

Students considering this option should note that those pursuing a second bachelor's degree are not eligible for Federal or state grant funds. Lifetime Direct Loan limits for undergraduate work must be reviewed to determine whether a student has remaining Direct Loan eligibility.